Chapter 5

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He placed his hand above his face before slowly opening his eyes as the sunlight beamed through the skylight window above him. He let out a big sigh, letting his muscles relax before turning around to see Y/N still asleep next to him. Her back was fully exposed, the plaid blanket resting just above her butt. He rolled over and pressed his lips at the dip of her small back.

Y/N hummed in approval as Chris slowly kissed every inch of her bare skin, appreciating and worshiping her beautiful body. Every kiss reminded her of last night. Their naked bodies underneath the blanket, their legs tangled with one another, their lips on every inch of their bodies.

They had all the time in the world now. There was no rush. It wasn't desperate or feverish. They took their time being gentle, exploring, and reconnecting with one another. They loved each other, their bodies moving in perfect sync just like the night before she left for college. It was as if two souls were finally reunited as one.

Y/N carefully turned around. Chris hovered over her, his chest pressing against her naked chest. He leaned down and kissed her with so much passion. "Good morning," he whispered against her lips.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him deeply, sinking into the kiss before she rolled them both so she could lay her head on his chest. But, Chris wasn't having it. He tightened his arms as he deepened the kiss.

"Good morning," she mumbled against his lips in between kisses. She let out a content sigh when Chris pulled back. He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek. His thumb gently brushing back and forth against her cheekbone. "Last night was perfect," she whispered.

"I meant it," he kisses her once more. "I meant every kiss, every touch," he said as his fingers trailed along her spine, "every 'I love you'."

"I did too."

Last night was perfect. But, what did it mean? What was next for them?

The sound of a triangle bell rang from a distance. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows together. "Is that the lunch bell?"

"Umm, yeah." Chris cleared his throat, knowing their could only be one person - more specific, one teenage girl - that could be ringing the bell that hung on the front porch of the house.

"Breakfast is ready whenever you two are ready to leave the love shack!" Carter yelled.

"Oh, my god," Y/N covered her hands, absolutely mortified.

The two quickly got dressed. Chris was about to pack up everything from the picnic date he had set up last night, but Y/N said to leave and she'll deal with it later. The two rushed out of the barn while straightening out their clothes, like a couple of teenagers who had just got caught. Chris was about to hop in his truck before the front screen door opened.

Carter had an apron on. She put her hand on her hip. "Where do you think you're going, Mr. Jam Man? I made breakfast for you too!"

Y/N and Chris walked into the house. The aroma of eggs and bacon filled the house. The kitchen table was already set. The jam jars Chris brought last night were opened and set next to a plate of toasted bread. Carter handed a plate of bacon and eggs to both Y/N and Chris as they sat down across from each other.

Carter sat down on the chair between them and sensed the nervous tension between them. "What are your intentions with my mother?" She looked over at Chris. "Because she's not a 'hit it and quit it' lady."

Chris choked on his eggs.

"Carter!" Y/N gasped.

"Look, I'm not stupid," Carter started. "I saw his truck still parked outside when I woke up this morning. I know what that meant." Carter looked away from her mother and back at Chris, who looked so humiliated. "Again, I'm not stupid. I see the way she looks at you. She loves you. I love my mom and I don't want to see her hurt."

Y/N reached for her daughter's hand, genuinely touched by her heart. "Honey, I know this is brand new to you. You don't know Chris at all, but trust me when I say, I know what I'm doing."

"Carter, I promise you, I would never hurt your mom. I've been in love with her since I was 19. I know you don't trust me yet, but I'm hoping to change that soon," Chris promised as he looked directly into Carter's eyes.

Carter lifted her hand with her pinky out. "The only promises I take seriously are the ones promised with a pinky."

Chris and Y/N were laying down on the small wooden dock, enjoying the sunshine as they air dry from swimming in the lake. With her eyes still closed, she could feel Chris staring at her. Her lips formed a huge smile, "what are you looking at?"

"The most beautiful girl in the world."

Y/N's cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. She fluttered her eyes open. "That definitely earns you a kiss," she leaned in to give him a small, sweet kiss.

Chris cupped her cheek when she pulled back. Her eyes looked more bright and beautiful than ever before. "I could never look at another girl other than you."

"Promise?" She lifted her hand with her pinky finger out. "The only promises I take seriously are the ones promised with a pinky."

Chris chuckled as he pinky promised with a kiss.

Chris gave her a genuine smile as he realized Y/N taught her that. He wrapped his pinky finger with hers, sealing his promise.

"Okay, seriously, did y'all use protection? Because I'm not about to finally be a big sister when I'm gonna leave for college in a couple of years and miss them growing up."

"Carter!" Y/N gasped again.

"Since when did the roles get switched?" Chris chuckled as he felt him and Y/N were being scolded by a parent.

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