Chapter 4

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"Do you trust me?" Chris asked as he extended his free hand.

Although it's been years since they were last together, he was still one of the very few people she trusted with all her heart. It was almost silly of him to ask, but nonetheless, she took his hand.

He led her to the big red barn, where most of their memories took place. Since she's returned back to Tennessee, she hasn't stepped into the barn. Not only because she didn't have the time these past couple of days, but also, she was afraid what memories the barn would bring back to her. If the heartbreak feeling would outweigh the good times. But, following his lead, her heart fluttered against her chest and fighting the urge to smile wide with excitement.

"When was this added?" She asked and they climbed up the wooden stairs against one of the walls. Last she remembered, there was a wooden ladder that would reach the attic of the barn.

"About five years ago," he answered. He let go of her hand once they reached the top of the attic. She was slightly disappointed as she wasn't ready to let go of his hand. She gasped when she saw a picnic laid out on the wooden floor above the skylight glass windows on the roof that showed the stars in the dark night sky.

"If I remember correctly, the 17-year-old you loved picnics. I hope you still do," he smiled at her as popped open the strawberry wine bottle.

"I do," she smiled at him as she sat on the blanket. She looked at the small spread he had brought. A few different types of fruits, toasted bread with a variety of small jam jars.

Chris sat down and pulled out two glasses from the wooden basket. He filled them halfway with the strawberry wine before he handed her one of the glasses. "To us," he lifted his glass.

She clicked her glass with his and repeated his words. "To us."

Y/N couldn't stop smiling on her first date. Chris took her horse back riding for the first time ever. She was scared at first, but eventually her nerves were replaced with excitement and peace as they walked through the lands of acres on her grandfather's farm. They talked and laughed as they asked questions, wanting to know all their secrets and dreams.

When they reached the lake, Chris tied up the horses near the tree. Y/N held his hand as they walked closer to the lake. Y/N pulled out a thin blanket she had in her backpack and placed it over a thick tree trunk that was laying in front of the water. Y/N immediately sat down as Chris pulled out a couple of tupperware containers. Y/N opened them to see fresh fruit. She smiled as she popped a grape in her mouth. Chris opened his mouth before Y/N aimed a grape at him. She missed and hit his nose. They both laughed hard.

Chris pulled out a couple of cups and a bottle of Apple juice. He poured some juice in each cup as Y/N said, "I think this might be the best first date I've been on."

Chris smiled widely as he handed her glass. He's had his fair share of first dates too, but her words made his heart smile. Because this was his best first date as well. Deep down, he knew all his best dates would be with the beautiful girl sitting in front of him.

"Here's to an amazing summer filled with awesome dates," he lifted his glass. "To us."

Y/N locked eyes with him, seeing the same excitement in his breathtaking blue eyes. "To us."

They both took a sip of their strawberry wine. Y/N smiled at him before she grabbed a grape. Chris handed her pillow. She gladly took it and laid back down, immediately looking through the glass window above her. She silently counted the burning bright stars in the dark night sky.

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