Chapter 16

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Author's Note: Sorry, I went a bit MIA with this series. I needed some time to think about where to take this series. I hope you enjoy this new chapter.


Carter let out an over exaggerated sigh as she carefully laid down on the couch across Y/N's and Chris's lap who were watching a movie in the living room. "I'm boreeeeedddddd," she dragged on, over dramatically.

Chris chuckled as Y/N began to run her fingers in her daughter's hair. "You're more than welcome to watch a movie with us."

"I'm not gonna watch a lame movie with you, mom," Carter rolled her eyes. "It's Friday night. We should be doing something fun! I don't know. Maybego pop fireworks. Get ice cream. I don't know, let's paint the town red!"

"Easy, there cowgirl," Chris chuckled. "You're only 15. You can't exactly paint the town red."

Carter rolled her eyes again. "Then, what do you suggest?"

"I know you're bored, honey, but things will be different once you start school in the fall. You'll have new friends to go out with," Y/N said. She knew it was hard on Carter to move across the country during the summer. She hadn't exactly met anyone her age except for Hunter. Sure, she got along with Deana's Goddaughter, but they weren't exactly BFFs.

"I know," Carter mumbled, hating that her mother knew her so well without having to tell her exactly how she felt. She hated being home on the weekends. As much as she loves her mom and Chris, she didn't always like being the third wheel. And, sure, she had Hunter, but his parents were strict. He wasn't allowed to go out every weekend, especially when he has a summer job that sometimes knocks him out early from all the hard work in the sun.

"What if we have a game night?" Chris suggested.

"Yes!" Y/N shouted a little too excitedly. "Oh, gosh, I haven't had game nights since the last time I was with you."

"We don't even have any games," Carter said as she finally rolled off of their laps and sat on the floor in front of them. "We've never really been a game kind of family," she said more towards her mom.

"Well, Carter, allow me to introduce you to the fun world of game night," Chris grinned at her.

Y/N turned off the TV after Chris suggested going to his place. Chris quickly put his shoes on. As the girls went into their rooms to grab their shoes and purses, Chris decided to make a phone call that was sure would cheer Carter up and hopefully make her Friday night a bit more fun.

They all got into Chris's truck and drove the 5 minutes to his farm. Carter was excited as she had never been into his house. She warned him she would be very blunt and honest about how feels about his place. He said he expected nothing less from her.

Chris flipped the lights on before letting the girls inside his house. The living room was simple with a couple of couches, a dark wooden coffee table - which Carter wondered if Chris made it himself - and a huge flat screen TV. On the wall, there were a couple of frames with family photos. Carter glanced at each picture, wondering who these people were. She laughed when she saw a funny Halloween photo of Chris and Scott, who were a little too big in their Robin Hood costumes.

"Okay, the living room is alright," Carter said. "It's definitely got a man cave feeling to it-"

"Well, it is where I watch all the football games while drinking beer," Chris said as he pulled out two beers for him and Y/N from the fridge. The living room was an open space which made it easy to get to his small kitchen. "Coke or gatorade?" He asked Carter as he held up a can of Coke and a blue Gatorade he pulled out from the fridge.

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