Chapter 13

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Author's Note: I hope y'all are enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing this series for y'all. Happy Reading🤓


Y/N stirred in her sleep as she heard a faint knock. She turned around to her side and began nudging Chris. He groaned, annoyed he's being disturbed in his deep sleep. The soft knock happened again and Y/N nudged Chris again.

"There's someone at the front door," Y/N mumbled as she believed she heard the knocking from a distance.

Chris sighed before peeking an eye open to see the clock. It read 3AM. He groaned again before he slowly swung his legs over the bed to get up. He rubbed his eyes, wondering who the hell would be knocking at the front door this late.

The knock happened again, but it sounded so much closer. Chris looked towards the closed bedroom door, seeing a shadow from the small gap underneath the door. Y/N must be dead asleep to not realize the knock was coming from her bedroom door and not the front door. Chris opened the door. His eyes landed on Carter, who looked absolutely heartbroken as tears ran down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I really need my mom right now," she mumbled between sniffles.

"Of course," Chris opened the door wider, letting Carter in.

Carter crawled into bed, taking Chris's previous spot, but he didn't care. He wanted to know what happened. More importantly, he wanted whatever Carter needed to help her not feel whatever it was she was feeling. So, he was perfectly fine that she took up his space on her mother's bed.

Carter nudged her mom. "Mom, can I please sleep with you?"

Y/N's eyes immediately flew open the second she heard Carter's sad voice. She immediately wrapped her arms around her as Carter let out soft sobs. "What happened, baby?"

"I had a horrible nightmare about dad."

Chris's heart broke. As much as he wanted to give Carter a hug, he knew this was a private moment between them two. He quietly exited the bedroom.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Y/N asked softly as she gently rubbed Carter's back.

"No," she sobbed more as she clung to her mom.

"It's okay, baby," Y/N cooed, trying her best not to let her fresh set of tears fall down. "You're okay. It was just a dream."

"But it felt so real," Carter hiccuped.

"I know, baby. I think that's why they're called nightmares, because they seem so realistic," Y/N kissed Carter's temple. "But you're okay. And, you're gonna be okay. You're safe here with me."

Chris walked back into the bedroom with a glass of water. He put it by the nightstand closest to Carter. "I brought you some water."

Y/N mouthed a 'thank you' to Chris as Carter extended a hand out, asking for the glass of water. Chris handed her the glass of water as Carter slowly unraveled from Y/N's embrace. Y/N wiped the fallen tears from Carter's flushed cheeks before she took a drink from her water.

"Thank you," Carter mumbled to Chris. "And, I'm sorry I kicked you out of bed."

"Hey, kiddo, you don't need to apologize," Chris immediately said as he gently squeezed her shoulder. "Not ever. I'm never gonna get in the way of when you need your mom. And, do you remember my promise I made to you out at the barn?"

Carter remembered Chris promised he would never replace Carter's dad and would in fact encourage to talk about him as much as she wanted. Carter nodded. She grabbed his hand and held it tight. "You've been so good to me and my mom," she sniffled. "I don't know what we would do without you. Thank you, Chris."

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