Chapter 15

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After taking a long - and very much needed - hot shower together, Chris and Y/N got dressed in comfortable sweats. As they got dressed, Y/N began to think Chris should have more than two drawers filled with his clothes for moments like this and any time he spends the night. Her mind began to wonder what it would be like to live together on a more permanent basis.

Chris wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against his chest. She squealed when he lifted her up and gently tossed her on her bed. She smiled as he got into bed with her. She snuggled against him, burying her face at the crook of his neck. Her muscles relaxed. Normally, he would smell like cedarwood and mint, but she'll admit, she loves the smell of her body wash on him.

She wrapped an arm loosely around his waist. His fingers ran through her damp hair. Enjoying the intoxicating scent of her lavender shampoo, he buried his nose in her hair, enjoying this quiet and sweet moment together.

"What are you thinking about right now?" Y/N whispered. His body was immediately covered with goosebumps as her warm breath tickled against his Adam's Apple.

"That I could stay like this forever," he kissed her forehead. "I want to do this forever with you."

She looked up and locked her eyes with his blue eyes. She saw the hopefulness and honestly in his beautiful and breathtaking blue eyes. Her fingers gently traced every feature of his handsome face. This was her soulmate. Her forever. No one would ever come close. Deep down she knew he felt the exact same way. Realizing it now, she feels even stupid for thinking otherwise and being jealous just hours ago.

"I want forever with you too," she kissed him. It was sweet and tender. His lips were perfect in every way possible. And, they were addicting.

He pecked her lips once more. He brushed the tip of his nose with hers. His hand was now cupping her cheek, the pad of his thumb tracing along the top of her cheek. She closed her eyes, grateful for him.

"Chris?" He hummed in response. "How exactly do you see our future together?"

His lips immediately smiled at the question. He knew exactly what his future looked like. He's known since he was 18. And although they did briefly talk about it back then, so much has happened since then. When they reunited at the beginning of the summer, Chris knew not to rush it. It was obvious they were still in love with each other, but Chris didn't know what Y/N wanted. Did she want to get married again? Or was she against it after losing her late husband? Did the thought of having more kids cross her mind? Or was she perfectly happy with just Carter?

Regardless of what her answers were to his burning questions, he would want whatever she did. He would be happy as long as they spend whatever time they had on Earth together.

"Because I've been thinking," she spoke quickly, not giving him a chance to answer her questions. "I do want to marry you. If it's possible, I'd like to have a baby together. I mean I know we're not getting any younger. So who knows. And, I would like to move in together before we do any kind of lifetime commitment, but how could we do that? I have my grandpa's farm and I've come to love it. You have a great farm too and I'd hate for you to give it up, especially when you're doing so well with your fruits and jams," she rambled, thinking out loud. "Is it possible to have both farms, but we live only on one? Would that be too much? Could we afford that? Do we sell them both and get an entirely different farm together?"

He silenced her with his lips, kissing her deeply. Y/N was caught off guard but she nonetheless kissed him back. "I want it all. I want you to be my wife. I want Carter to have siblings, however many you want. All the farm stuff, we'll figure it out later, because I've always wanted to have and built a life with you. Since I first laid eyes on you. I just wasn't sure if that's what you wanted."

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