Chapter 18

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Warning: Sadness, heartbreak, mentions of cheating, an affair

Author's Note: Despite the warning, I hope y'all like this chapter and it was something y'all weren't expecting. I had this storyline planned since I first started writing the series and I'm happy the moment is finally here. Let me know if y'all like it.


"Are you sure you don't want to come to dinner with us tonight?" Y/N asked as she put on some earrings.

She gave herself one final look in the mirror. She was slightly nervous as this was her first official date at a very fancy and expensive restaurant with Chris. She preferred dates that were more laid back, casual, and relaxing. But, she did love that tonight was a bit different. She didn't mind wearing a dress, putting on some light makeup, and doing her hair every now and then. She was excited and nervous. She couldn't wait to have a good night with Chris.

"No, I don't, mom. I'll definitely feel like a third wheel tonight if I tagged along," Carter answered as she plopped herself on her mom's bed.

"Honey, you know you're never a third wheel with us," Y/N reassured her.

"I know, but still no. I have a date with Hunter tonight," Carter smiled widely.

"You really like him, don't you?" Y/N smiled back as she saw 'happiness' written all over her daughter's face.

"Is it stupid of me to admit I love him?" She asked.

"Oh no, honey," Y/N sat next to Carter on her bed. "When your heart knows, it just knows. There's no fighting it. No matter how young or old you are."

Carter hugged her mom tight. She smiled so big and she was happy her mom couldn't see it because she was not only in love, but she was also extremely excited for tonight. Chris was proposing tonight. She didn't have a date with Hunter. Well, technically she would be with Hunter, but they would be hiding in the same restaurant to witness and film the whole proposal.

"I love you, mom," Carter whispered.

Y/N hugged her tighter. "I love you too, baby girl."

"I love you both."

Y/N and Carter jumped, starled from Chris's voice. They turned around to see him standing in the doorway with a soft smile.

Y/N's smile widened. "Well, don't you look handsome," Y/N walked to him. Her eyes wandered down his figure. He wore a white button up, with the sleeves rolled up to his mid forearms. The crisp white shirt made his tan look darker. He had on a pair of tight black jeans that did his ass wonders with a matching pair of black boots.

Chris smiled back at her as he wrapped his arms around her. Flushing her body against his. "You look beautiful. You should wear red dresses more often."

Her hands slid down to his perfect, firm butt. She gave his cheeks a firm squeeze. "You should wear these jeans more often."

"OH MY GOD!" Carter shrieked in horror as she witnessed her mother copping a feel. "At least wait until I leave the room or go to the Love Shack!"

Chris chuckled. Y/N let go of Chris and turned around to face her daughter. Chris wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to his chest. He couldn't help himself. He loved her and needed her. And tonight, she would be his forever, officially.

"I can't help it. He's got a perfect ass you can bounce a quarter off of!" Y/N smiled sheepishly. Carter groaned, truly embarrassed her mother was acting like a teenager with raging hormones.

Before Carter could respond, Y/N's phone rang. Carter looked at the nightstand and saw a picture of her grandmother lit up on the screen. She smiled as she answered the phone.

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