Chapter 10

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Author's Note: This is a little more on Carter and I hope y'all don't mind. I've come to like the character I've created and I hope y'all have too.

Again, if any one lives on a farm or knows about agriculture farming, please message me! I really want to make this country story as true as possible.

Lastly, and very randomly, if anyone is on TikTok, I've recently joined and getting the hang of making videos. If y'all wanna follow me: amylillian_22


Carter woke up as soon as the rooster started crowing. She quickly did her morning routine before putting on a tank top and a pair of overalls. She grabbed her worn out Nikes and tied them up quickly before making her way to the kitchen.

Y/N had just set down a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. Carter was about to ask for jam when Y/N said, "you're out of jam."

"What do you mean I'm out?!"

"Well, you practically eat it with everything," Y/N giggled. "Of course you're gonna go through them quickly."

Carter whined. "Ugh, I need to place an order with the Jam Man."

"Someone say my name?" Chris asked as he walked through the front door with a bag.

"Honey, what are you doing here?" Y/N asked, surprised. She wasn't expecting Chris to come this morning or any morning during the week as he had his own morning duties at his ranch.

"I came to help you this morning since I know you've never done the branding and vaccines for the animals and you have that today with the local vet coming in to do the yearly check ups," Chris answered and kissed her cheek.

"You're so sweet, but you didn't have to do that," Y/N smiled at him.

"Anddddd," Chris lingered as he turned to Carter at the kitchen table. He pulled out some jam jars from the bag he brought with him. "I figured you would need some more."

Carter's face lit up. "I love you, Mr. Jam Man! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She repeated excitedly as she hugged him tight.

Chris laughed as he hugged her back. "One of the jars is a new strawberry recipe I'm trying. You're the first to try it out. I think it's good but I need an expert's opinion. So let me know what you think because I want to add them to my booth for the next farmer's market weekend."

"Am I going to be the one that tests and judges your new recipes?" Carter asks, hoping that means a lot more jams in the future.

"Yes. You're my number one. I've never met anyone who loves my jams as much as you do."

"Seriously, mom, marry him," Carter said as she opened one of the jam jars.

Y/N giggled as Chris smiled wide, knowing one day he would ask Carter for her permission to marry her mom. In fact, he already had everything all planned out. He was just waiting for the right moment.

"Do you want a plate?" Y/N asked Chris.

"No, thanks, hon. I already ate."

"Me too. Then, we'll head on out to meet with the guys before the vet comes in about 20 minutes. Carter, will you be fine?"

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