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Thea's POV

"Can you please stop running? I have a party to get to and you're really ruining the mood. You know I was trying to be nice and all cause who wants to be a murderer on their birthday, but you're making it pretty fucking hard to not totally hate you." I yell out at the guy in front of me.

As I'm playing chase the mouse all over this bar, I hear my team laughing at me over the walkie-talkie. This is a great way to treat someone on their birthday. My brother really thought it was a splendid idea to go get a drug dealer two hours before my fucking birthday party.

I was growing bored of chasing him, so I pulled out one of my knives from my side and threw a straight shot into his head. His body stilled for a second and then eventually toppled over.

Feeling accomplished I pull out my walkie talkie and call out to my idiotic family, "I swear if you guys don't get your asses down here in two seconds you're going to be next." Slowly they all make their way down to meet me.

The first one down is Anastasia, but she prefers to be called Ana. Ana can 100% be considered my ride or die. We met each other when I was around 12 years old. She was in and out of foster homes all of her life until my Dad, Sebastian Valerio, found her. My Dad brought Ana in and made her his own, we have been inseparable ever since.

She comes down dying in laughter "I swear you show no mercy, you just chopped that man's head off because you simply got bored of running" Ana continues her laughing fit while walking to the car. I yell out to her, "you would have done the same thing bitch"

In the corner of my eye I see the three dumbasses trying to sneak out before apologizing to me. I first spotted Riven and not too far behind him was his brother Hunter. They are the Rhodes brothers, they are totally opposite but I like to think they balance each other out. Our fathers have been best friends for as long as I can remember.

Their father ,Harry, is like my uncle. He is one of the reasons why the Valerio mafia is so successful. They own a bunch of hotels around the world which makes them have a pretty big name in the public. Riven and Hunter have been with my brother and I forever. Riven is known to be more of our tech guy getting us into all the top networks, and Hunter is one of the best snipers in the world.

I managed to sneak up behind them, and surprise attack them like I was a little kid. I screamed bloody murder on their asses, "You jerks decided to give me a job two hours before my party, and then you think you can really sneak out just like that...huh, well no". I was just about to kick them where it hurt, and that's when my stupid, no good brother came from behind me and literally swiped my feet from under me. Really how immature can a person be? As I groaned in frustration, Riven and Hunter helped me up while trying to hold back their laughter.

"I swear to god Alex if my birthday party isn't breathtakingly amazing you are dying in your sleep, and that goes for you guys too" I say to the three jerks in front of me.

My brother, the famous Alex Valerio, is a real pain in my ass. Even though I have come very close to putting a bullet in his head I truly don't know what I would do without him. Yes that sounds cheesy and weird, but in all honesty I'd definitely be like a pregnant crack addict without him or possibly even dead.

"Stop being a dramatic baby and get in the damn car, before I have to drag you." My brother calls out. " If you don't shut the fuck up for two seconds" I scream at my brother. As I walk over to the car, they all start laughing at me and my bad mouth.

The drive is filled with all of us singing our hearts out and enjoying the sunset of L.A.

After going down the long roads we finally get to the Valerio mansion. This is where all the party's and meetings are held.

When the Valerio's finally started to get big we decided that it was best if we had all immediate family live on one huge land, in the back parts of California. The main crew like me, Riven, Hunter, Ana, and Alex all live a couple blocks down from the mansion. Our other crew with our additional security lives at the top in front of the mansion. Then lastly my mother and father live on the top of the hill overlooking the Valerio Mansion.

We pull up in the back way because the front gate is filled with paparazzi getting ready for everyone to arrive

My mother, Samantha Valerio, was in charge of planning this. The parties are usually filled with a bunch of other Mafia families, and some other important celebrities to keep it balanced I guess. My mother honestly scares me when things don't go her way, and when she finds out that I was just on a mission an hour ago, she is not only going to beat my ass she'll beat my brothers as well.

We push open the door and I see my mothers long blonde hair whip towards the door and her eyes are immediately on me.

"Thea Valerio where the hell did you go" she says as she walks closer. She stops right in front of my brother and I, "I said to be here at five to get ready for the party, and someone please enlighten me what the time is now". I heard Riven say seven fifty behind me, and I was so close to back kicking that little snitch in the balls. My mother turned back to me after thanking Riven with a deadly look on her face. "You all better be ready in an hour, am i understood? " All of us didn't dare break eye contact and we all just said " Yes ma'am".

After my mother got that all out she came over to me and gave me a huge hug, "happy birthday my darling Thea, I love you with my whole heart" she kissed me on the forehead and then made her elegant exit.

With my mother gone, that was everybody's que to get ready for the party.

AN: follow Thea's Instagram it's @thea.valerio

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