Black Death

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Thea's POV

A couple weeks have passed and we are back in L.A.  We have been doing our usual  assignments, but ever since our last mission with the mysterious T.S nothing has happened. They went into hiding again which left us time to plan out our next move.

Xavier and Ezra have been traveling trying to find where they have been hiding at, and that led him to be gone for a week and he still isn't back. He hasn't called me because he doesn't want anyone to trace his phone which is understandable. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him.  We weren't dating or anything, but he has grown to be one of my best friends. I'm not putting him in the friend zone though because I didn't like the way that ended last time. 

Ana and I have been occupying our time by working out day and night, and also helping the guys try to track the people that threatened us last time. It was hard because it was almost as though they didn't exist. We had little information to look up for them.

I decided to clear my head by going down to the gym and taking all of my thoughts out on the punching bag. I have been going at it for about an hour and I have been blasting music. In my opinion it is the best stress reliever.

I was right in the middle of my second round of punching and then I felt a presence come up behind me. I turned around and punched the shit out of the person and swiped their feet from underneath them. I was ready to attack again until I saw who it was

"Fuck, Thea"  I heard Ezra cry out from on the floor. Well it was his fault he snuck up on me, I was obviously occupied and focused. I couldn't help but laugh at his broken state that I caused him to be in. "You think that's funny, huh?" He said to me before swiping my feet out from underneath me as well. My sweaty  body fell right on top of his chest.

We both erupted into laughter after both of our ungraceful falls. "You should know better than to sneak up on me dick" I said to him while turning over on his chest to meet his eyes. He was being propped up by his arms and he was staring down at me.

"Wow I don't even get a hug hello. Fake love" he said to me while rolling his eyes. "Oh you want a hug," I jumped on top of him and hugged him so tight and spun us all over the mats. I kept on pecking him on his face with kisses. I kissed him on his neck which I found out was very ticklish.

I kept on doing that until he turned me over and tickled me instead. Once again we were both hysterically laughing. He stopped tickling me for a second and I took that as a time to finally kiss him.

I let go of the kiss that we were in and smiled at him while he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "I guess someone missed me," I said to him. I got up from the ground and helped him up as well.

"Ew you stink" he said to me while waving his nose. I punched him in the stomach and jumped on his back. "To the shower we go." I said to him pointing at the door.

We got up to the first floor and made contact with everyone. "Hey bitch nice to see you," Xavier said to me. I jumped off of Ezra's back and went to sit in a chair on the island. "Missed you too dick." I said to him with a smile.

Xavier and I have been getting closer ever since her and Ana got together. I guess he is catching on that I'm the crazy best friend and if he even tries to break her heart I will literally bring hell down on earth.

"Alright guys, the reason Xavier and I are back is because both of our fathers. They  want us to attend the underground ball or otherwise known as the black death ball. As we all  know everybody comes out for this. It's not going to be public with paparazzi because it has a bunch of people that are technically not even supposed to be alive, criminals in every corner. So you know the basic people that we hang out with. It is tonight and like usual the attire is all black." Ezra finishes up saying his news.

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