Call from Hell

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Harry and Louis where having their breakfast/lunch at the counter, as they'd both chosen to have a late lazy morning and now it was actually past midday. Harry had cooked some Nutella flavored pancakes with a little butter and honey on top and they where both eating on the kitchen eyes still heavy from napping.

Louis felt like he was on heaven. Happy, loved, loving, blessed in all possible ways. His heart would bloom every-time he imagined his future how Harry would become his family eventually, and how he would spent the rest of his days with the man he loved, with an outgoing career and loving friends, Liam, Niall (Zayn too although he Zayned, he knew it was for Zayns best and respected him).

"What do you think of kids."-Harry asked spontaneously making Louis choke on a pancake.

"Harry for the millionth time, you can't get pregnant!"-Louis laughed bopping Harry's nose making him huff in annoyance.

"I mean do you like kids in general."

"Yeah I would love to have around some mini-me's and mini-Harries!"-Louis chuckled.-"Or Harriets. With fluffy curls like yours."

"Let's adopt!"-Harry said sitting up in a bolt.-"Or we can find a carrying mother! Oh my god we can have our own kids!"

Louis laughed at how childish Harry's was being.-"Someone desperately wants to be a dad! Harry, we have other things planed first right, we have a dog to take care of firsthand than go on with having kids."-He said pointing at Clifford who was snoring lightly on his small house.

"But Lou, I want babies!"-Harry said sitting on the counter.

"One step at a time love!"-Louis said kissing him on the lips passionately than smiled.-"Once we're ready, we will."

Thats when Louis phone buzzed loudly, waking up Clifford who started barking at the phone.

"Take it Darling."-Harry said going back to his pancakes.

Louis took his phone and froze... His manager was calling. The devil was calling from Hell itself. He debated if he would open it or not...he decided he would so he went on the balcony and opened it.

Maybe if he never opened that phone call, if he never heard those words from Simon calling him on a meeting with the managements...Just if he had ignored the call and went back to planing his future with his Harry...Just Maybe than he would had been happy today...But things went south, faster than the southern wind.


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