Dinner for 3

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A few days went by, and Louis had started to miss the noise his house use to have when the troublemaker and his big clumsy dog use to make when they where there.

And as he demanded, the very next day, Liam came by, to drop them off.

The troublemakers ran off to the backyard as Liam meet Louis at the doorstep.

Louis chuckled at his son as he just hugged his leg and ran to the garden to catch up with Clifford.

Liam covered his forehead in relief.-"There it goes! Children have soo much energy. What do you feed him?! Starlight energy!"

"There's Tomlinson's blood running on his veins Payno! How else would it go?"-Louis says hugging him dearly, mostly thankful of what he'd done for him.

"Great! That explains it...So how was it?"-Liam says pointing at his very much red neck.-"Is everything back to normal now?"

Louis smiled and sighted.-"The best dream I've ever lived..."

"It's not a dream anymore Louis, thank god for that...We'll come around with the boys to have a dinner tomorrow night, just to congratulate you, and we have some news we'll be sharing...so wait us."-Liam said showing Louis his left hand, and waving a black ring on his face.

Louis gasped.-"So fast?!!"

"Well...we're getting old Lou...it's time to get everything together now, we're not reckless teenagers anymore chasing after adventures and living below the clouds. And I'd advise you do the same...I know of a certain velvet box laying hidden away in you drawer...I think you should give it to it's owner."-Liam said winking as he whispered the last part.

"Liam!"-Louis said glowing red.

"Kiss Harry on the cheek for me!"-Liam said waving his hands as he animatedly walked to his car, showing Louis his ring from afar. Bragging about it and showing off.

Louis huffed as he walked back in, taking the stairs to his bedroom, where Harry was still fast asleep.

He sat down and gave him a nudge.-"Haz...Haz...Hazza!!"-He poked him. Over and over again. Till he was annoyed.

Harry groaned and hid his face from the sun.-"5 more minutes Lou!"

Louis giggled and took his sheets away, and as Harry shivered from the sudden cold, Louis covered him with himself, giving him many kisses.-"Get your sore ass out of this bed, Freddie and Cliff are home love."


Harry slowly opened his eyes. A sudden smile covering his latest smug face. He was home...Harry was home. Louis said that he was home.

"Where is he now...did you leave your son alone to come and wake me! You better not Tomlinson because I'll-..."-Harry said sitting upright.

Louis and Harry listened as a pair of tiny footsteps hit the ground of the hallway, and a tiny head peeked inside the room.

"There's your answer..."-Louis said laughing.

Freddie came inside holding a grasshopper on his hand.-"Cliff fownd it! Look daddie!"-He said ran after Louis who jumped over the bed and stood behind Harry.

"There's no way in hell I'm touching that!"-Louis said squealing.

"Hawy?"-Freddie said pointing his hands at Harry.

"Sure!"-Harry said and cupped his small hands and cupping the grasshopper inside his palms.-"Thanks Freddie, what should we do with it?"

"Put it inside daddies shirt!"-Freddie said laughing.

Harry joined him.

Louis just watched them displeased.-"Let him free for gods sake Harry!"

Harry opened his palms and the grasshopper jumped on his shirt willingly.

Louis screamed, patting his clothes, to kill it off.-"I hate, both of you!"

"You where the one who said let him free! I did that. Right Freddie?"

Harry and Freddie high fived and laughed. After many scoldings from Louis the grasshopper was taken care of by Harry who gently placed him outside again and now everything was set.

Freddie stood on the side of the messy bed looking at Harry with a smile.

Louis noticed and waited for his many questions. Harry did too. He just hopped the toddler liked him even just a bit.

"Daddie...Is Hawy gonna play with us forever now?"-He asked almost whispering as he grinned mischievously.

"If you like him too?"-Louis said softly pulling him on his lap, and holding Harry's hand too.

"Hawy is cool! He makes you wappy! I like Hawy!"-Freddie said pulling into Harry's white shirt climbing to his lap, letting go of Louis.

Louis smiled, his eyes barely holding his ocean of joyful liquid. He looked into Harry's eyes and noticed he wasn't the only one to feel them. Although Harry was more overwhelmed by all this, afraid to put his arms around the little child, as he thought he might hurt him if he actually showed how enthusiastic his heart was feeling.

"I love you both my dearest!"-Louis said holding Harry's hand and ruffling Freddie's honey hair.

Freddie giggled as he praised the love he was given. In the middle of two pair of loving arms.

After a while he chuckled and looked back at them.-"Do I get a sister now?"

Louis blinked a few times, and looked at Harry, both of them with a face of roses.

"Why a sister?"-Louis asked him smiling nervously.

"A tiny human...like Bear got Khwai from Uncle Zen!"-Freddie said giggling into Harry's shirt.

Louis facepalmed.-"We'll ask Santa for a Christmas present..."

"Why Mr.Santa? Ask Hawy!"-Freddie said chuckling, he was a smart kid after all.

Harry looked down at the tiny mischievous human in his arms.-"Babies take time to make...But Louis wouldn't mind, right?!"

Louis laughed nervously again.-"Sure! Absofuckinlutely!"

"Daddie said the f word!"

"Dad's a naughty boy..."-Harry said laughing.-"Louis brush your diety tongue there's a child listening!"

"Harry! I swear to god!"-Louis howled.

"Oh fridge! Daddy's angry!"-But Harry took Freddie on his arms, and placed him on his back, running put of the room.-"Catch us for breakfast!"

Louis ran after them.-"Bring me my boy back!"

"No you're a bad influence!"-Harrys and Freddie's laughter filled the hallways as they ran to the kitchen where a hungry Clifford was pacing around peacefully.

Peacefully...well not for long!


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