Louis held himself till he reached his house. He entered trying not to make much noise, because his son had to be asleep by now. He was still holding the bouquet of Daisies on one hand.
He heard ruffling coming from the kitchen, that it hit him...Niall.
"Lou this coconut chocolate bar is fantastic were did you buy-...Louis?"-Niall said turning around and noticing Louis had red eyes from crying and a not so found expression on his face.-"What happened?"
Louis didn't say anything, he placed the flowers on the counter and reached his arms around Niall, stood there on the comfortable embrace his friend was giving him.
"Harry..."-Louis choked out, trying so hard not to let himself fall low.
"Shhh...take your time."-Niall said trying to make him feel better.
He guided Louis to the living room and sat in-the couch still hugging him.-"Tell me everything."
"Why did you bring him there Niall...why before the plan has started."
"He wanted to return you the favor I didn't had much choice but take him with me."-Niall justifies.
Louis raised an eyebrow not believing him.
"What happened than?"
"He was at the backstage changing room, bought me flowers, more to torment me than to cheer me up, I can tell he hates me so deeply, and if not hate than what was it..."-Louis tried to explain.
"Anger. He's angry with you, he's been like that for years. Than guilt. It's guilt that makes you think his stare was filled with hate. Harry would never hate anyone, you know his heart!"-Niall tried to knock sense on his friends brain.
"I don't know him anymore, he's all grown up, all strong looking and handling it quite well on his own, he doesn't want me back, he shouldn't want me back, I left him Niall! I left him in a time when we thought it would last forever and I LEFT! There is no going back, he isn't mine anymore."-Louis said fully sobbing, letting it all out.
Niall wanted to do something anything to ease his friends pain, but he couldn't do anything...And It killed him.
"I would try to explain to him..."
"No Niall!"-Louis head shoot up.-"No way I am letting you! For gods sake Niall, he blamed Zayn and Me for sending him a fake letter when it was actually from my mom, he would never believe any word from anyone."
"He did what? Has he lost his mind?"
"Apparently...Niall...I did something else too..."-Louis voice became fragile.
"What. Did. You. Do."-Niall said all bad things coming on his mind.
"I slapped him."-Louis cried.
Niall wanted to laugh but it wasn't the moment.-"Are you insane too? Why the bloody hell did you do that? He's been through stuff to Louis! It hasn't been just you! Did you even think about that."
"Niall, he started talking about mom, I couldn't bare listening to his bullshit when he knows nothing and I blacked out and slapped him..."
"Oh Lou!"-Niall facepalmed.-"God, this needs to be over a minute no latter."
"The contract is our only chance."-Louis breathed shakily.
"Than what happens? Things go back to how they where? Happy ever after? Louis you need to pick yourself up, the contract is just the beginning of whats to come...The tip of the iceberg!"-Niall tried to reason.
Louis wipper his eyes truing to look tough again.-"I know...Niall that contract is our only hope, the rest will flow with the wind."
Niall stood up.
"Back to Harry, he is probably doing stupid stuff, I have to confront him too...Hearts don't breakeven, he needs someone by his side too..."-Niall said hugging Louis again before leaving.
"Wait!"-Louis called.
"Louis he is my friend too, I hope you don't feel-"
"No No, go, but...take Cliff to him, it will make him feel better."-Louis said and called Cliff who looked sleepy and confused as to why his owner was being such an emotional dick and not letting him sleep.
Niall smiled foundry.-"You still love him that much huh?"
"Always have, always will."

Torn Apart || Larry
FanficThe days of the One Direction are coming to an end and the hiatus was made. Louis if forced to sign up a contract which takes Harry away from him. Their relationship for Harry's career is the deal he has to make. But Harry doesn't know Louis had to...