100 feet apart

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Things got hot from here...Louis walked to the huge stage, staring at his fans chant and scream his name. It was a bigger number than the last time, it made Louis so proud of himself and his music.

"Good evening London!"-Louis said with the same energy as his fans.

He made a small speech and soon started to sing songs from his album Walls. Sometimes even adding or changing words and sentences. He even sang a few songs from the album that wasn't out yet. Making fans go crazy.

"It's time for one of the shortest but most powerful songs of all times."-Louis said in the mic, and fans started chanting the name of the song.-"Yea. This is Only the Brave."-he got of the mic and walked to the edge.-"Fetch me a flag somewhere."-He told the fans. Than he went to the other edge of the stage and took the flag one of the fans rushed in.

Louis took it thanking her.-"Thanks love! Now all is set."-The music started to play slowly, powerful and stronger than ever.

Louis enjoyed every word of it. Singing it gave him so much adrenaline and rush, he loved it. All through the song he though of Harry, and how he wished they both could sing that song together and tell the world they where both brave. One day.

"With that never let anyone tell you that what you are doing is wrong and try to stop you, get out there and fight in order to get loved, be brave, be loved, care and be cared for, no matter how much they try to tell you it's wrong, if you feel it's right just do it."-Louis said after the song was over, finally being able to talk without Syco and Modest! on his ass finally talking about Pride.

The song ended as it was short and than Louis thought he might do something he hasn't tried much before.-"I would like to sing a cover of my favorite song of the moment, which I have been listening in repeat these last few years to say the truth. Here goes nothing! "Nothing breaks like a heart" by Mark Ronson and Milley Cyrus."

The fans cheered even louder, literally screaming at the top of their lungs.

The song was heart shattering, literally, it drained Louis to sing it out loud, and it literally captured what he was feeling all in one song.

Louis sang, his words being free as he sang, Stage was the only place where he felt free, like a butterfly out of a tight glass jar. He opened his arms as the crowd screamed around him. He loved the power he held over them.

He was unstoppable.


Niall laughed as he saw Louis pick up a pride flag from a fan.-"That's my boy. Wave it baby!"

"So he did grow some balls now to pick it up huh!"-Harry commented on it, proud but still hurting inside.

"Harry, he just got free from Syco and Modest!, You know his career contact was the last to be made, while you have been free for years, he had to stuck with Syco till now."-Niall said eating some sugar paper he took from a bowl of snacks near there.

The song ended and Harry was a little sad it did, it's the anthem of love anyway, than Louis talked again.

"With that never let anyone tell you that what you are doing is wrong and try to stop you, get out there and fight in order to get loved, be brave, be loved, care and be cared for, no matter how much they try to tell you it's wrong, if you feel it's right do it."-Louis said in the mic, his sweet voice giving Harry chills.-"I would like to sing a cover of my favorite song of the moment, which I have been listening in repeat these last few years to say the truth. Here goes nothing! "Nothing breaks like a heart" by Mark Ronson and Milley Cyrus

Harry did know the song, and he knew Louis almost never did covers...This one must be special-he thought... Thats until he started sibging.

"This world can hurt you, Cut you deep and leave a scar, nothing breaks like a heart..."-Louis sang with his angelic voice.

Harry was barely holding his tears back, Niall gave him a shifty look.-"Harry are you okay?"

"I am fine!"

"He is hurt too, Haz, really he is."-Niall said softly hugging Harry.

Harry broke the hug, wiped his wet eyes and sat straight.-"No he isn't! He left me Niall! Didn't even call me once after that!"

"Haz..."-But Harry was long gone.

He sighted...this was fucked from bottom to the top.


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