A Match

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"Action!"-The director ordered.

James now stood in the middle of the boys, talking about the next challenge of the day, witch would be presented tonight at the show for the audience to watch.

"So now for the boys! This challenge is going to be a bit tricky! As you can see, we are here at Wembley Arena! Louis favourite place, maybe Harry's too, who knows..."-James said and Louis laughed.

"Definitely not Harry's!"-He said pointing at the unpleased face Harry was making at the moment of speaking.

"But...there is always a but! Louis you won't be the one with the ball this time. Harry you'll be our Harry Kane for today! The ball belongs to you. So here are the rules! Louis will be the keeper. Take position Tommo, Harry take the ball..."

"It's dirty!"-Harry said pouting like a child.

"Well what did you expect fields of flower and butterflies?"-Louis said shrugging.

"Guys, hold it. For each goal Harry will score, Louis...you'll have to paint a nail! Of course with Harry's Pleasing nail polish, Harry will have the honour to paint them tonight at the show."-James said and now it was Harry's time to laugh.

Louis with painted nails! Something he rarely got to see during his lifetime.

"Not fair!"-Louis said from his position.

"Now I'm starting to like the idea! Good job James!"-Harry said excited.

"There's no stopping him now! Wonderful James! Wonderful! I'm already regretting signing up for this!"-Louis said sighting.

"Last rule, there will only be 15 free shots! From the point of penalty."-James said clapping the best.-"Now I'll be up at the stairs having some popcorn and cola, you can solve this between yourselves."

Harry placed the ball down.-"Okay I got this, how hard could it be!"-He said kicking the first ball, completely missing it!-"I take that back!"

"This will be easier than I though!"-Louis said chuckling and pretending to sit back and watch. Making Harry angry in the process.

"War!"-He mumbled and took another ball from the big basket.

Louis took position and bend down his knees, his spine taking a small arch, his eyes not leaving Harry's.-"War!"

Harry ran to the ball and shoot another. This time the ball ending in Louis firm grab.-"You shoot worse than my grandma! And she's got arthritis!"-Louis laughed throwing the ball to the side.

Harry was already preparing another ball. With determination on his eyes as he kicked another ball at Louis, hitting him straight on the Tommo's.

Louis bend down in slight pain, that was going to hurt!-"Motherfu-..."

Harry laughed.-"What was it about you grandma again?"

Louis straightened his posture.-"I got distracted!"-he said with a wink.

Harry took another ball from the basket, ignoring Louis flirty attempts.-"Less talking more walking, wanker!"-He said and shoot it. Hitting the net before Louis could catch it. He did his victory dance and shoot Louis a wink.-"One nail! 9 more to go!"

Louis laughed, it wasn't a big deal for him anyway, even if he had to diy his hair if that's what it took to put a smile on Harry's face.

The game ended with 6 misses and 9 goals. Which Harry was happy about anyway.

James came back to the field to end the filming.-"That was the best football match I ever got to see! Harry, you where fantastic, and you managed to earn yourself 9 nails from Louis to paint tonight at the show. Louis get mentally prepared for your nails to get pretty."

"I don't need painted nails to look pretty!"-Louis said passing a hand through his long hair.

"Says the man who braids his hair and put flowers on them!"-Harry mumbled loud enough for the cameras to hear.

"Did you say something Styles?"-Louis said with a daring smirk.

"Oh no! Never!"-Harry said laughing.

Louis gave him a small shove as James went on with the talking. Harry shoved him back. So Louis shoved back harder. And they just ended up shoving each other until James turned around to thank them for doing the challenge.

"So Louis, Harry it was a pleasure to have you here to perform this challenge totally willingly."-James said clapping.

"He kidnapped out dog!"-Louis said to the camera, making Harry laugh at the joke.

"We insure you, no dogs are being held hostage! And this is a game of total free will!"-James said and than mumbled at the fake directions of the director.-"Cut that one out-..."-Just to keep the joke going for the show.


After the camera's shut down and the crew celebrated their filming. Harry and Louis where once more driving in the same car. No music on the radio, as Louis just scrolled through radio stations to find a proper one.

Harry got impatient.-"Just pick one already!"

"There's no good music anywhere!"-Louis said angrily.

"Here! Kanye West sounds good!"-Harry said pushing the radio previous button.

Louis got even angrier and slapped his hand away from the radio player, as he continued to press the radio button by himself.-"Not in the mood for rap music. I want something soft dimwit."

Harry huffed looking back at the road.

Louis finally found a radio station where Tom Odello, Another Love was playing and raised the volume and rested back on his seat looking out from the window.

Harry cleared his throat.

"I know you have questions just pour them out already !"-Louis said not looking back from the window.

Harry scratched his neck with his spare hand before regrabbing the wheel.-"At the end of the challenge you said...OUR dog...and I got confused, I thought we didn't want people to talk about-..."

"Harry we're doing a whole show together, of course they'll talk and analyse everything. Plus WE do have a dog and I was being honest when I said ours...because we adopted him together, remember. Okay we might have problems together but we share his custody." -Louis said softly as the tune of the song made its way to his heart.

And if somebody hurts you I wanna fight,
but my hands been broken once too many times.
And I'll use my voice I'll be so fucking brute,
Cause they always win and I know I'll loose.
I wanna sing a song that would be just ours but I sang them all to another heart.

Harry stood silent.-"Were did we go so wrong Louis...when we promised forever, I never thought we'd be put in such position."

"Just like when I said I love you, I never thought I'd have to lie to you one day."-Louis said his smile all faded, his eyes threatening to let all the emotions show.

"Well we should have thought, that happy ever after only belonged to fairy tails with pixie dust and magical wands...You lied, I broke my promise. But we'll never be even, even if our acts are."-Harry said his voice tamed.

Soon the car stopped, they had arrived to the studios. Harry parked outside and turned off the car, but neither of the boys left the car.

Louis closed his eyes, each words still piercing through his heart like needles on a pin cushion. Harry watched it all, not able to understand the pain he was going through.-"It's easy for you to say. But If I was given a change to go back in time and choose one more time, I'd do this all over again. Just to know that you could one day just spread you wings go with the wind while I'd have to hold my own strings, and perform puppet shows to keep the wind blowing for you."

Louis said and opened the door leaving before Harry could say another word. Harry wished he had the bravery to open that door and follow after Louis and tell him it would all be alright one day, but instead Harry listened to that riddle of words in replay on his minds, trying to figure out what Louis meant to say.


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