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Harry left, angry at himself and at Louis. He wanted to punch something but in the mean time he wanted to go on a dark corner to cry so bad.

After all these years of not seeing Louis, all he gets is a slap across the face!? He even brought him his favorite flowers. For all he knew he was being kinder than he deserved to ever be treated.

Okay maybe he did take it to far when he mentioned Jay's letter. And Louis had a point when he said he didn't go to the funeral, but he couldn't just tell Louis that he was indeed there but watching from afar.

But still, the letter had messed him so bad, and it was hard to believe that Jay thought of leaving HIM a letter before she died...And maybe, just maybe he went to far when he blamed it on Louis. But what can you say...he was confused too.

Harry slammed the door of his car and started to drive off, making sure not to be seen-by any pap/fan.  He drove to his house, not home, because it was too lonely to be a home, and entered still feeling a little effected by everything that had happened that night.

That's when it hit him...Louis had become smaller, he was really skinny, and probably hasn't been eating enough...And he looked so different. He had even grown a little beard on his face. His Louis had changed. Oh wait...right...Louis wasn't 'his' anymore.

He touched the place Louis had slapped him. It was still hot, although Louis hadn't hit him hard, he didn't had the strength to anyway. But that was the first touch he had gotten from him in 4 years.

"You are an idiot Styles!"-Harry said to himself hitting his head with a pillow.

"Stupid butterflies! Stupid letter! Stupid voice inside my head! Leave me alone!"-He said laughing like a maniac.

Oh that it hit him...there is one thing that can help drown the voices inside his head...

He walked to the glass cabinet, he knew the drill by now. Hopefully it hadn't become an habit. Yet.

He picked the finest bottle of cherry wine, a glass and walked outside by the pool's side. He placed the glass and the bottle on the tiled ground, he put of his shoes, tugged his pants knee length, and placed his feet on the cold water.

"Always helps."-He whispered chugging the whole glass with one sip.

While others would call it a bad thing to do, it was his only way of going through tough times when he was all alone. And his thoughts would get clouded, he would somewhat forget how much he needed his Louis by his side, his touch, his kiss, his warm gentle lips by his, his body, his gaze, his breath mixing with his, his eyes looking at nothing but him...

Harry let the tears fall, not bothering to wipe them away, the tears falling into the pool and gently mixing with the cold water. Almost as cold as his feelings.

He just missed his Louis, but he wasn't his anymore.


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