Chapter 5

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Thandi's outfit for the day
Thandi POV

"Hi." This bitch said like we friends or something but I rolled my eye at her.
"Dad what the hell is she doing here?" I asked slowly walking over to them and Dad was about to answer until something took his attention.

"What happened to your face?" Dad rushed to me and started examining my face like I'm some little kid.
"I got into a fight dad." I moved away from him but he wasn't having that. He pulled me back to him and touched my eye.

"This is completely absurd. I will have to go down to your school, where were the teachers when this happened!" He was clearly upset now. "Wait here." He said before disappearing to one of the rooms in this house and now I'm left with Krae who seemed like she had been crying which didn't even bother me cause I really really despised her at this moment.

"What the fuck are you doing here Krae?" I asked now getting all up on her face.
"Look Chris is gon kill Tyrone and I know you know where he is." She said her voice filled with attitude but I knew Chris may be a lot of things but a murderer is not one of them.

"Chris is not a killer." I defended Chris giving her a stare down. I don't even know why I even defended that asshole after he almost killed me tonight.
"Stupid naive African girl,Chris ain't who you think he is." She spoke in her heavy American accent looking at me like I was really stupid for the words I just uttered and I think I was because I really didn't know this guy I was defending right now.

"Now get out of my house and I swear Krae you ever show up to my house again we are going to have a serious problem." I grabbed her by arm and I pulled her towards the door.

"LET GO OF ME!" she screamed trying to pull away from me and I did let her go, her screaming was going to draw us unwanted attention from my dad and maybe the neighbors as well. "So what, you're helping him ain't you?" She asked pointing her dumb finger on my face but I slapped it away. She really was trying to get slapped.

"Don't fuckin give me that, not only did your so called boyfriend almost kill me but you started the whole shit!" I spat looking at her with anger,I really was sick of this bitch and that ugly ass nigga Tyrone.

"So just one night on Chris' dick and you've grown some balls." She did a fake laugh and I slapped the shit out of her. She held her cheek like she couldn't believe that I just did that and I swear to God I was tempted to add another one.

"You know what your problem is Krae? You think I'm scared of your ass but I'm not and you may bully me at school but you will not walk in here and try to bully me in my damn home!" I flared my nose this bitch just doesn't know how much I hate her ass and I'm doing my level best not to kill her right now.

"If Chris does kill Tyrone,I'll blame it on you!" She spat but I just faked a smile just to piss her off.

"Chris is not a killer but if Chris happens to kill Tyrone than Tyrone ugly ass deserves it." I said though I didn't mean that because no one deserves to die. Karma will deal with Tyrone and Krae for what they are doing to me.

"And why are you here shouldn't you be talking to Chris about this?" I asked crossing my arms. I'm not the one she fears is going to end the life of her stupid boyfriend so I really couldn't understand why she's over her and not at Chris's house.

"Look I know I should have never done what I did to you and I'm sorry but I really can't lose my brother." She said on the verge of tears, I was surprised when she said brother. I don't think its right for siblings to be dumb like these two are.

"Please I promise I'll do anything just stop Chris from hurting him." She begged kneeling down before me whilst putting her hands together as tears fell down from her face.

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