Chapter 16

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Thandi POV

It been 2 days since me and Jas talked and that's really was eating up on me,I really don't want to lose my friendship with Jas because of Chris.We were still at Chris's house but Jas was doing everything to avoid me.

Speaking of Chris,I don't know whether he has turned a new leaf or something because he has been behaving these days and the moods swings he usually has ain't really that bad.

"Hey Bae,do you wanna go somewhere?" Chris asked walking in his room which I've moved into.

"Depends,where do you wanna go?" I asked busy in Chris phone,I was playing talking Tom,I swear this game makes my day,I never get bored anymore but only if Chris has nothing to hide and allows me to touch his phone.

"Somewhere,come on" he said snatching his phone from me "Chris I was still playing that" I whined pouting "Yeah babe you've been playing this game the whole day" he said putting his phone in his pocket "Well I would download it on my phone but Jas broke it" I said with a frown.

"If you want a new phone all you gotta do is ask me" he said taking a jacket that was on this fancy couch of his.

"Well Chris can you buy me a phone?" I said my voice filled with sarcasm.
"Lets go" he said putting on his jacket and I got up and wore my shoes before posing infront of Chris "How do I look?" I asked with a smile.
"Beautiful,now lets go" he said taking my hand and we left.

We were at the mall going from store to store looking for something which I don't know is what exactly and worse seems to be in a mission to find whatever it is he tryna find.

"Chris,what are we looking for?" I asked getting tired of this.
"Damn you been nagging me about this shit for the hundreth time" he said annoyed as hell now.

"Chris I'm tired that's why I'm nagging" I said honestly,my feet are aching as hell now.
"Come on" he said as we entered this jewellery store.

"Ugh fine" I mumbled following him behind and I stood there as he talked with this girl who was flirting him like I wasn't just standing here but Chris didn't pay her any attention or maybe he was just playing it off or something.

"Thank you,I'll take that" Chris said and I don't even know what he getting "That'll be 1200 dollars" this chick said looking at Chris,eye raping the shit out of him.

"Uhm babe" I said and he looked at me as he gave this girl his card.
"We still gon buy the phone?" I asked not that he agreed to buying me a phone but he said I must ask and I do need a phone.

"Yeah,what was you thinking of buying?" He asked "Uhm Samsung Ofcourse" I said and he nodded "Why don't you get an Iphone" he asked "Can you afford it?" I asked like I don't know that this nigga can afford almost anything.

"Nah babe,I think we should keep to my budget and get you a nokia 3310" he said sarcastically rolling his eyes and I laughed pushing him playfully "Dumb ass" I said still laughing.

"You don't be saying that in my bed" he said wrapping his arm around my waist and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Yeah right" I said acting like I'm not enjoying this affection he's showing to me when in actual fact I do.

"Give me some sugar" he said his lips inching towards mine and I tip toed to meet him halfway.
He is tall and I swear that one of the most attractive things about him.

This girl cleared her throat as we were about to kiss and we stopped now looking at her.
"Your stuff" she said mean mugging the shit out of me,I so wanted to jump her but then again that is not me.

"Disrespect my girlfriend again and I swear you gon find yourself losing more than your job" Chris said whilst taking his card and whatever he just bought,taking my hand to his and we left.

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