Chapter 32

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               Thandi POV

I decided to follow after Mike though Chris told me to stay out of it but I can't really let my friendship with Cassie die just like that.

"Cassie" I called after her as I saw her and Mike arguing infront of her car.

"And you,I thought you was my friend but all the time you was playing me for a fool,You should have told me" she cried and I was really heart broken too,I didn't mean to hurt her "I'm sorry Cassie"

"Save it,I don't need your sorry" she yelled "I trusted both of you and you betray me like this,A child with a side a chick and you, you let a nigga fuck both your friends and you don't say shit,You are a disgrace Thandi" she yelled and I guess I deserve that "I've been nothing but a good friend to you Thandi,I've always had your back but you let some fat chicago bitch fuck my man while you know,Did y'all plan that shit Thandi?" She cried walking my way and I feel really bad for her "Cassie I didn't mean to hurt you,I just didn't know how to tell you" I said but she slapped the daylight out of me "Don't fuckin put your stupid hands on her" I heard Chris as he pushed Cassie from me "Chris its okay,You can hit me Cassie,Anything but I swear to God I didn't mean to hurt you" I said holding my cheek "I'm sorry I hid this from you Cassie" I said sincerely "You know keep your apologies,I don't fuckin need any of you,I hate you" she cried before she swung her door open but Mike held it "Cassie let talk about this,I can explain baby please" Mike begged but Cassie cried even more "I don't wanna hear anything,We over" she said pulling her door her way which Mike tried pulling his but Cassie started the car and drove off.

"Fuck" Mike screamed and I swear I saw tears in his eyes "Fuck" he said stalking for his car which he got in and drove after Cassie.

"You okay?" Chris asked and I nodded "Let go to a park" he said and I agreed as we went to his car and got in the passenger side while he got in the drivers,We drove to a nearby park and stayed in the car as we watched everybody playing or walking around in the park.

"Come here" he said patting his lap "Sit on daddy's lap" he said in this squirky tone and I giggled as I sat on him "You sure you okay?" He asked now messing with my hair and I nodded "I'm fine,I just wish I didn't hide this shit from Cassie" I said in all honesty "Well you can't change it now baby,Cassie will forgive you babe maybe not now but she will forgive you" He said burying his face on my breast "I messed up" I said "Yeah babe you did but I believe it all came from a good place,I know you care about your friends but here is a thing Thandi,You gotta stop thinking that you have to keep everyone happy,Your loyalty in this matter should have lied with Cassie but you was busy tryna please everyone that you forgot who is important here" Chris said,Sometimes I hate it when he telling the truth.

"I know" I said lowly "Now all you can do is ask forgiveness from Cassie and she will forgive you" he said and looked at me and I kissed him "I love you so much baby" I said and he smiled "Love you back baby girl" he smiled and kissed me and we stayed in each other's embrace for the rest of the day.

Few days later....

I do not know what is stressing Chris but he is on the edge these days,Whenever I ask him he says it nothing but I know Chris and he hiding something from me,Today when I woke up,he was still in bed but dazing at nothing and when I snapped him out of it he pulled a gun on me thinking I'm somebody else.I really don't know what going on.

Cassie still ain't talking to me but I'm always at her ear and her house tryna get her to forgive me and Trina is still not talking to me too,I'm losing my friends and shit don't feel good.Jasmine is still here in New York but Mike and her still haven't talked,He still tryna get Cassie to take him back and he really is vulnerable without her.

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