A little break

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What is up everyone!!! It has definitely been a little minute! But you all know, life is crazy! But I did bring back with me an extra long chapter with a pinch of little Bucky cuteness!!

This chapter was heavily requested so I had to make sure it was long and extra fluffy! I will now be updating some others!

Don't forget to vote and comment for more!

Happy reading!😊❣️

Steve jolted awake for the third time, swerving the car as he focused back on the road.

He never really went back to sleep with Bucky as he had planned. Bucky had been restless and irritable for most of the night and Steve couldn't take an eye off of him.

Around six in the morning, Steve woke Sam up and they were on the move again. He knew they were being watched and it wouldn't have been long before police were busting into their rooms.

Steve had abandoned most of their things at the hotel but not on purpose.

He was tired and was trying to gather everything on his own.

He left buckys pacifier, onesie and stuffie in the hotel along with some of his own personnel items as well as sams.

Bucky had been crying silently in the backseat for the past hour. There were a few sniffles and hiccups here and there as he wiped his face with the back of his hand.

Steve glanced at him in the rear view mirror, still seeing the tears run down his face. He felt so bad. The one thing he left was the most important to Bucky.

That freaking pacifier.

The boy asked several times if they could go back and get it and it killed Steve each time to tell him no.

He just couldn't risk that.

Bucky was firmly holding onto his backpack as he stared out of the widow with two fingers hanging from his mouth.

" m'really sorry, buck ". Steve apologized, still sending worry glances through the mirror.

Bucky shifted but didn't say a word.

Steve sighed and focused on the road.

Well, as best as he could.

Before he knew it, he was jolting awake again.

" why don't you let me drive, man? It's obvious you're exhausted ". Sam offered, watching Steve trying to stay awake.

" m'good Sam, really ". Steve assured, his eyes slowly falling shut again.

The car swerved dramatically this time and startled everyone in the car.

" that's it! Pull over. I don't have a death wish ". Sam demanded, watching Steve sigh but pull over.

They changed seats, Sam starting up the car once again. Steve was exhausted but he refused to close his eyes, choosing to look out the window.

" you always this stubborn? ". Sam smirked, rolling his eyes.

Steve chuckled lightly as he yawned.

" I can do this all day ".

Sam just chuckled and pulled the car back onto the road.

He was a bit worried about Bucky, he hadn't spoken to them. Even when sam teased him. He couldn't get a rise out of the depressed little.

" you hungry, buck? I'm sure we could find something settling for your stomach ". He suggested.

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