A little search and rescue

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Soooooo hi guys! This is a bit of a new story that I wanted to try. It's my first marvel story! If you read my bio, I mentioned that I love marvel and some of my favorite characters are captain America and Bucky so why not put them together?

Well, here you go.

I hope you guys enjoy and let me know by a vote or a comment if I should continue.

The beginning is kinda like the civil war beginning but with my twist so happy reading😊

Steve steadily walked into the old creeky apartment. His footsteps followed by the squeaks of the floorboards.

He had been trying his best to bring in Bucky himself but alas...the winter soldier was always a step ahead of him. He knew Bucky could hide in plain sight, speak several languages and could easily escape if he wanted to. Steve had wanted to bring in Bucky first so there would be less chance of the man getting captured and tortured by someone else.

He looked around the apartment, seeing a small mattress laying on the floor with a small grey fluffy blanket that had owls all over it.

He gave it a curious glance as he ventured further into the apartment, noticing a book on top of the refrigerator.

He went to grab it when a small object fell off the top and onto the floor. Steve bent down to pick it up, holding it gently between his fingers as he straightened back up.

It was a pacifier.

This caught Steve off guard.

Maybe he was in the wrong apartment, but he knew deep down that this was the place that Bucky was residing in.

He shook his head and placed the object on the counter, grabbing the book and opening it.

He seen notes and pictures of himself inside, taking note of the handwriting as well.

" Steve, we got company ". Sam notified, making Steve's ear piece ring with his voice.

" copy that ". Steve sighed, placing the book down.

Steve was about to turn to leave when he noticed a figure behind him. He quickly turned around to see Bucky, his face holding a worried yet calm expression.

He was staring at Steve as if he was trying to recognize him.

" do you know me? ". Steve asked, slowly taking a step forward.

Bucky hesitantly nodded, backing up a bit.

" I didn't hurt anyone, I don't do that anymore". He mumbled out, his back hitting the wall.

" I didn't say you did but there are people after you that think you might ". Steve explained.

" they're in the building ". Sam warned, making Steve a bit nervous.

" Bucky, I know you're nervous and you have every right to be but this doesn't have to end in a fight ". Steve sighed, hearing the footsteps climbing up the stairs.

" but it always does ". Bucky mumbled, his voice coming out as a whimper as he took off his gloves and sat down the plums he had bought.

Why couldn't he just enjoy them in peace?

" I'm compromised, Steve. Get out! ". Sam alerted.

Suddenly a bomb crashed threw the window and landed in front of Bucky. The man quickly kicked it towards Steve before turning around and flipping a table into the door to keep the other police men from getting in.

Steve covered the bomb with his shield as two men came swinging in threw the window, instantly beginning the fight.

Bucky panicked and grabbed the soft grey blanket from his bed as he fought his way into the kitchen, grabbing the pacifier off the counter along with the book.

He turned around and punched a guy in the throat and was ready to kick him off the edge of the building when Steve grabbed his hand making him stop.

Bucky quickly spun around and pulled away from Steve.

" stop it, buck! You're gonna kill someone!". Steve yelled, watching as buckys grip tightened and he was slammed onto the floor.

" I'm not gonna kill anyone ". Bucky spat, punching threw the floor boards right next to Steve's head and pulling out a black back pack.

He quickly threw all of his items in and strapped it to himself before making his way towards the door, punching the door open and tearing threw the guards waiting for him.

Steve followed after, catching each guy before they fell off the railing.

" come on, man ". Steve sighed, pulling them back up and slamming them against the wall.

Bucky glared before elbowing a guy in the face, hopping over the rails and falling to the next couple of floor past the guards. He caught himself by grabbing onto the railing and jumping over, making his way to his exit.

Steve groaned and looked over the railing, taking a leap and landing on the next couple of stairs. He made his way through the narrow passage ways, trying to avoid the German police as best as he could.

Bucky had already made it out of the building, looking out over the edge.

He was scared, he didn't want to jump. Normally he'd be okay with doing this but fear creeped up his spine, making him hesitate.

He heard footsteps running in his direction, he panicked and before he could register what he was doing...he was backing up and jumping across to the next building.

He landed hard on his back, rolling across the roof top until he came to an abrupt stop. He groaned as he stood up and dusted himself off, adjusting his backpack before running once again.

He could feel his busted lip bleeding, the gruesome substance seeping into his mouth giving it a horrible taste.

He thought he was in the clear when a bird like shadow covered his own, making him stop in his tracks and duck for cover.

Sam flew straight into bucky, making the both of them hit the ground and tumble.  Bucky easily recovered and stood up ready to fight.

" look man, I can't let you go. I'm under captains orders ". Sam explained, sending off red wing to watch over bucky so he couldn't get away.

" I've got him cap ". Sam mumbled into his ear piece.

He was about to say something else when Bucky launches towards him, knocking him over.

The winter soldier went to throw a punch but Sam dodged it, buckys fist hitting the ground instead.

Sam grabbed Bucky from behind and slammed him to the ground, trying desperately to pin his arms.

But in the process, buckys shirt was lifted up and revealed the rimming of a pull up peaking out from the top of his pants.

Sams face held confusion at first then turned into one of realization but before he could make any further moves, Bucky kicked his legs up and kicked sam in the stomach.

Bucky quickly stood up, his face a crimson red as he pulled up his pants and shoved his shirt down angrily.

" are you a- ".

Before Sam could finish his sentence, Bucky was running at him full force. He pulled back his medal arm ready to swing.

Instead of his fist coming in contact with sams face, it hit a hard medal substance in return.

Bucky slowly looked up, seeing Steve lower his shield.

" this fight is over, Bucky ". Steve said, his voice stern as he spoke.

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