A little...tony?

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"Tony I specifically asked you not to do that!". A certain blonde yelled, pacing the room while tony sat with his feet up on the table.

"Look, I did what I could".

Steve stopped in his tracks, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I pleaded with you. All I asked in return for sharing our location was that no one would barge in and arrest him like that!". He yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

Tony gritted his teeth together, standing up from his chair and standing toe to toe with Steve.

"He is a criminal, Rogers. Call it what you want. There's no other way around it. You're lucky your ass isn't in there with him". He snarled, locking eyes with the blonde.

"He's not a criminal. I didn't want to scare him. I just- I knew he needed help but that...that was uncalled for". Steve sighed, backing down.

"Like I said, I did what I had to do". Tony repeated, stepping away and turning his back.

"Tony, they shot him with a tranquilizer dart".

Tony shrugged.

"What's so bad? He didn't feel it. It was so he couldn't fight against us".

Steve stared at the man in disbelief.

"They shot him four times, Tony!". The blonde yelled.

The brunette winced at that.

"Yeah, I thought the gorilla darts would be enough...we will have to go with elephants darts next time". He muttered, fixing the sleeves of his suit.

Steve couldn't believe what was happening. He knew he couldn't trust Tony to do what they had agreed on.

The blonde had denied sams request to head back and turn Bucky in.

So from there, Steve had driven to a small motel. He handed sam the keys to the car as he carried a sleeping Bucky inside the room and laid him down on the bed.

It hurt to see Sam leave, that was his best pal besides buck. He knew sam was right but he felt that he could handle Bucky from there. They would find a new car in the lot in the morning and keep going.

That didn't happen.

Bucky was awake all night.

If it wasn't a wet bed, then it was his stomach hurting or a nightmare. The poor guy had been up and down all night and Steve hadn't gotten any rest. Bucky was only proving sam to be right.

Once Bucky had finally fallen into an unsettled slumber, Steve knew what he needed to do.

He had called tony.

He thought he could trust the man. To make this a nice smooth transition so he wouldn't break buckys trust or scare him.

That went down south quickly when an officer kicked in threw the damn door.

God, the look of fear in buckys eyes before he passed out from the darts. That will forever be etched into his brain.

"Tony, he needs help. That is the only reason I turned him in. He's my li- friend". Steve stuttered, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.

"I remember a time where I was that to. But you ruined that when you left and didn't sign". Tony snapped, whipping around and staring daggers at the blonde.

"You know why I couldn't, Tony". Steve said calmly, stepping into the brunettes space. "That contract would go against everything I stand for. I'm sorry I can't be a cold hearted asshole and put myself before others".

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