A little disagreement

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Annnd I'm back! So many of you wanted an update and I've had this draft sitting around and decide to go ahead and finish it! I really hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to vote/comment for more future chapters!

Happy reading😊!

Bucky had taken the liberty to go by himself to the bathroom and change, the embarrassment of the situation still plaguing him.

He made sure to lock the door before setting down the spare clothes that Steve had given him on the sink.

He was pretty grateful that this was an one person bathroom to spare him just a little bit more of embarrassment.

He began to undress himself out of his rugged clothes, his hands shaking from his nerves and anxiousness about the whole situation.

He knew he needed to calm down but it was hard when anxiety crashed inside him like a wave. He struggled to unbuckle the buckle on his pants making him growl out in anger.

He knew he was freaking out over nothing but he was out of his comfort zone, with strange people while embarrassing himself every single moment he was with them.

So yeah, he was pretty on edge.

" buck, you alright? ". It was Steve.

Steve had noticed that Bucky had been in there for some time and was beginning to worry.

" M'FINE!! ". Bucky yelled out, yanking on his pants but to no avail.

Steve kept calm and tried opening the door but it was locked.

" Bucky, open the door ". He sighed, listening to Bucky struggle.

" No! I'm fine! I got it! ". Bucky spat out quickly, his cheeks heating up red yet again at the thought of his former best friend seeing him in wet pants or even a glimpse of his pull up.

" I'm not asking, I'm telling you. I promise I just wanna help, not gonna stay around to watch ". Steve explained.

It was silent until Steve heard the lock on the door click and the door slowly creep open.

Steve poked his head in slowly, seeing Bucky staring at the ground and his body tensed up.

He quietly shut the door behind him and walked in, standing a few feet away from the winter soldier.

" what's going? What's got you all frazzled? Huh? ". Steve smiled, nudging Bucky on the arm.

Bucky just shrugged and hid his face in his hands, his little side peeking through since he was uncomfortable and that was his way of coping.

Steve was a bit confused with buckys behavior but decided to ignore it, he didn't have a way of knowing when a little was actually slipping.

" well, I can't help if I don't know what's wrong...". Steve said, picking up the spare clothes that were on the sink.

" it's the buckle ". Bucky pouted, his hands dropping to his sides.

Steve noticed that Bucky was shaking and felt a bit guiltily about making the new little so nervous. He placed the clothes on the floor and smiled a bit.

" huh, never thought that the one thing that would be able to stop the winter soldier is a belt buckle! ". Steve joked, seeing Bucky look up with a smile.

" it's pretty sturdy ". Bucky shrugged, pulling on it once more.

" yeah well, let's see what I can do about that ".

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