A little help

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What's up guys? Your girl is back! And look at this! I brought a chapter with me! Really sorry it's been awhile I caught rona and it's been hell but I'm doing better! Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter featuring the first little bit of baby Bucky!

Happy reading😊

Steve decided that it would be best to stay at a motel for the night. He sent Sam back out to get clothes and a few things for Bucky to eat, once they were settled into the room.

Steve wanted an hour or so alone with Bucky to help him settle properly. Even though he was not a caregiver, he had a natural caregiving side when it came to Bucky.

But Bucky was not having any of it.

" Bucky, please get in the shower! you don't want to stay in those yucky clothes do you? ". Steve tried to persuade as he reached for his friend, but Bucky just glared at him.

" No Stevie! Don't baby me! I'll get in when I want to! ". The soldier argued, pulling away and running to hide behind the bed.

Steve just groaned and slowly sat on the bed, thinking of a way to settle Bucky's fears of letting his little side out.

" Bucky, I know you are nervous. I'm not going to push you into this, but I am going to help you settle into it on your own. There is no right way to be little, it is what makes you feel calm and happy. What is it going to take to help calm you down right now? ". The blonde asked gently, peeking over the side of the bed to see bucky.

Bucky played with his bottom lip as he processed steve's words. He knew what he wanted but he was too scared to admit it.

" you can tell me, Bucky ". Steve encouraged, watching as bucky whined and turned away.

That was when he remembered Bucky's bag. The bag that the man grabbed once they had found him.

The ripped black bag sat against the wall on the nightstand. Steve slowly made his way over, unzipping it loudly to catch Bucky's attention.

He pulled out an old blanket, it was worn and had many holes. He then pulled out a journal, containing many facts about him. He then dug a little deeper, grabbing onto a loop and pulling it out.

It was Bucky's black pacifier. It was plain with no designs, he could tell it was an actual baby one compared to the ones that were meant for littles.

Steve used his shirt to clean it off a bit, turning back to the bed to see bucky peeking over.

" I wonder who's paci this is? I don't think it's mine, maybe it's sams? ". Steve asked, pretending to think.

He heard Bucky whine, crawling out from behind the bed. The boy sat on his knees as he played with his lip, he was embarrassed to say the least but he definitely wanted the pacifier in steve's hand. It was his! Not that jerk Sam!

" I don't think it could be sam's though ". Steve sighed, noticing that the littles pants were wet once again. " I guess I'll just throw it away if it doesn't belong to anyone...".

Bucky gasped and reached out for the item in Steve's hand.

" It's mine! ". Bucky admitted, his bottom lip shaking as he began to cry. He loved his Pacifier, why would steve do such a thing!

Steve could tell that he found something that Bucky associated littlespace with. Not all littles used pacifiers, some don't find comfort in it to help them fall into littlespace and steve knew that since he has been around a hand full of littles before.

" It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! ". Bucky cried, bouncing on his knees as he made grabby hands for his paci.

"it is? I thought you were a big boy and didn't want to be babied. Big boys don't need Pacifiers, buck".

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