A little broken

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Woooooo! It has been so long!! Thanks for staying strong my little warriors and sticking with me!🥹It's definitely been a journey! I appreciate everyone who has messaged me or continued to support my stories even with my absence!

I appreciate you guys so much that I pulled an all nighter to give you this gift😊🥰!

Please enjoy and remember to vote or leave a comment if you would like some more updates! Hopefully I'll get them out faster! I'm planning on at least an update every two weeks!

Anywho, happy reading lovely's😘

Steve nervously made his way down to Tony's lab the next morning. He had just seen the new renovation made to his floor for Bucky and felt a bit guilty about what he had said to the man.

Granted, Tony wasn't in the right but Steve knew Tony had a heart and wouldn't hurt him. He had grown close to the man, but after he left it's like he's meeting him for the first time all over again.

He sighed as the elevator descended, what was he gonna say?

What could he say?

Would Tony listen?

He shook his head, wiping at his tired eyes. He had slept in the infirmary last night, right beside Bucky in a chair. They had his arms strapped to the bed which Steve thought was unnecessary but Bucky did try to bite one of the nurses so it was understandable.

He chuckled at the memory that wasn't formed to long ago, he had stayed by his friends side the entire night. Occasionally telling him stories and calming him down from a nightmare.

It was safe to say he was running empty on sleep and the stress from yesterday hadn't helped but when he went down to his floor to grab some clothes, he had noticed the room.

God, Tony outdid himself.

The walls were painted a pastel yellow, there were animal sticker decals spread out across the room in various spots on the wall. There was a crib, a very large one at that with little white bars going around just like the real thing.

There was a rocking chair in the corner with a Winnie the Pooh stuffie along with the book to match, sitting in it. Over in the corner of the room was a changing table loaded with everything Bucky would ever need for a change. A white dresser stood a few inches away, there were clothes....they were all Bucky's size.

In the middle of the room laid a huge playmat rug, the alphabet and different animals littering it all over in various colors.

Steve turned in amazement, this was nothing like he'd ever seen before. He then had noticed a closet door, inside were boxes upon boxes of toys, pacifiers, coloring books, bottles, sippy cups, blankets, bibs, sensory chews, and so much more but he didn't have time to explore.

He had to see Tony.

Steve snapped out of his trance when the elevator dinged, signaling he had made it to his destination.

He walked slowly up to the clear lab doors, he heard music blaring so loud that he winced at the sound.

Tony was in there.

He could see Tony standing over his desk, bobbing his head slightly to the beat. He looked so tired though, it was easy to see in his body language.

Usually Tony stood up straight but he was slouching and kept rubbing his eyes with his balled up fist. Steve frowned as he knocked at the door.

Obviously Tony didn't hear him but Friday must have alerted him because suddenly Tony's head snapped up and made direct eye contact with Steve.

Tony glared and said something, probably to Friday, and the doors opened.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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