A little road trip

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Bucky sat in the back seat of the car that Steve had decided was a good cover up. He had his arms crossed with a pout as he glared out the window.

" well, now that you got him...what are you gonna do with him? ". Sam asked, glancing at Bucky as he leaned against the side of the car.

Steve sighed and crossed his arms as well, trying to figure that question out himself.

" i can't let anyone else get ahold of him, they'll lock him up or worse. He'd be safer with me...". Steve explained, glancing at Bucky threw the window.

" but Steve, the guy is a little! You know nothing about taking care of littles ". Sam flat out said, knowing for a fact that he was right.

" who said he was a little? ". Steve challenged, already knowing that line of defense would fail.

" the dude is wearing a pull up, Steve. I don't know about you but grown men don't walk around in pull ups for no reason ". Sam justified, rolling his eyes at Steve's lack of common sense.

" I may not know a lot about taking care of a little, but I know how to take care of a friend in need ". Steve replied.

" what about the fact that he's a criminal? Huh? He's a little and a criminal ". Sam yelled, pinching the bridge of his nose. " that literally makes him a little criminal ".

" but I can't just leave him! He wouldn't do that to me. He needs me... ". Steve mumbled, his arms dropping to his side as well.

" I don't think you're looking at the big picture. One, he is a little. Two, he is wanted everywhere which will most likely make you a target and three...where the hell you going to go? ". Sam asked, looking directly into Steve's eyes.

" for a road trip? ". Steve questioned, scratching the back of his neck.

Sam looked confused before he finally realized what Steve meant.

" you're telling me that you want to travel in this little shitty ass car, undercover, with an assassin and hope you don't get caught? ". Sam asked in disbelief, throwing his hands up dramatically when Steve awkwardly smiled.

" you've got to be kidding me right? You know, the people that usually shoot at you shoot at me as well...".

Steve groaned and ran a hand threw his hair.

" I know it's not that simple but I can't leave him unprotected, Sam. I finally have my best friend back after 70 years ". Steve mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

" wow, way to knock me down the friend list". Sam spat, crossing his arms over his chest.

" that's not what I meant and you know that". Steve smiled, playfully punching Sam in the arm.

" I know ". Sam sighed, looking back behind him at Bucky. " I just don't see how you're gonna pull this off ".

" me neither ". Steve agreed, but he knew deep down inside that this had to work.

" well, I guess if you had a very talented and powerful sidekick with you...maybe you'd be better off ". Sam chuckled, holding his hand out toward Steve.

" you mean it? ". The blonde asked, taking in the falcons hand shake as he smiled.

" might as well be partners in crime ". Sam nodded, letting go of the hand shake.

" thank you ". Steve said, his sincerity showing in his voice.

" no problem, you know falcons got your back". Sam smiled, leaning against the car door again.

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