Skye's pov
I went near to the coach. The senior cheerleaders were already ready to show what i have to do.
"Front aerial, to a front handspring then back tuck and finish with a round off." She ordered and senior showed me how to do it.
I took a deep breath before leaping into the aerial. I followed exactly what they did and finished with my round off.
"Great job." The coach smiled to me.
I went back to my friends who was squealing in excitement.
"Skye that was're really good at this". Ella exclaimed.
"Thanks ella. I really don't know what i was doing. It just happened ". I sighed laying down.
One by one everyone finished doing tryouts including the team members.
"So listen everyone, if i call your name, you have to go to the left side of the field." Coach said started calling the names. Our names were also called and we left for the other side. We cheered as the coach blew the whistle.
"Now if i call your name, you can go home." She stated. She called about half of the girls as they all left depressed.
"The team to the left are the junior varsity team and the right are the varsity team. Congratulations!".
"We did it". We jumped up and down in joy.
"I'm not done yet. I need a captain and a co-captain. Since we also have senior.... I think katie samuel, you'll be the captain of the squad."
"Thank you so much coach, you won't regret this. I promise you." She was so excited.
"The co-captain will help you with leading and She'll be the captain of the junior varsity team.
And your co-captain is.....""I'm sure it will be me. After all i have experience and talent." I heard sweetie whispering to her friends.
".... Is Skye Anderson ". The coach yelled and daisy let a long whistle before engulfing me in a bone crushing hug. I saw Sweetie's eyes widening in surprise.
"Oh my goodness, you did it". Everest squealed in excitement.
"Congrats dear". Emarald hugged me.
"Hey cap". A black haired girl with hazel eyes approached me. She continued." I'm Sophia Parker. Nice to meet you. "
"Hey sophia.nice to meet you too." I smiled to her.
"I live next to your house. We are neighbours". She said.
"That's great. We can hangout sometimes ".
"Yeah... I would love that". She clapped her hands.
"Hey everest, daisy." She greeted them.
"Wassup pizza". Everest chuckled.
"Pizza?" Emarald was confused.
"That's what we all call her in class.''. Everest said.
"Because she is a pizza addict ". Daisy said chuckling.
"I'm not ". Sophia whined like a baby.
"It's okay pizza.. I mean sophia"
"Not you too skye." She pouted.
"Sophia meet out friends emarald and ella". Daisy introduced them.
"Hey pizza" they grinned.
"Katie, Skye " i heard the coach calling us.
"Skye, we'll be waiting in the parking lot." Ella said and i nodded. Others left to the bleachers to get their bags.
We approached the coach excited.
"Girls, the squad is in your hands now. I trust you and your responsibility." She handed us two booklets. "This is the information on all the games and this is some routines and cheers. I'll come to practice first, but after that it's you two
" she smiled to us."Thankyou coach. This means a lot." Katie said and the coach grinned before before walking away from us.
"I'll see you tomorrow for the practice Skye." She said.
"Sure katie." I said and we parted our ways.
I went to my locker, took my bag and walked towards the parking lot where my friends are waiting.
My phone started blaring. It took me a minute to find where i put it. Probably he'll be early.
"Hey dad"
"Hey dear, how was your tryouts?"
"It was great and i have a surprise to tell you"
"Really, what is it?"
"Dad, that's why it's called surprise "
"Oh yeah. Right. I'll be there in few. Tell Marshall too".
We exchanged goodbyes and hung up.
I started walking, but was interrupted by a sweaty football player. I couldn't see his face because it was blocked by his helmet.
He took off his helmet and grinned to me. I remember him seeing with the team this afternoon.
"You tried out for cheerleading?"
Is he really serious? I'm wearing the cheer outfit that reads 'Adventure bay high cheerleader ' and school gym shorts and shoes.
"Nope, i was trying out for the football." I said with a serious face.
"Sarcastic much. Just like i thought". He smirked.
He stuck out his hand and introduced himself.
"Michael Clark "
I glared to him.
"Oh come on cheerleader " He smirked again. Why don't i just punch that smirk plastered face.
I shook his hands. " Skye Anderson "
"My name is big, so you can call me Mr. Nibbles." He said.
"Nibbles? Doesn't it sound like a name of a candy?" I made faces.
I shrugged my shoulder. "My fan girls call me copycat".
"What kind of name is that? Do you win exams by copying?"
"Incoming ". Before he could reply, a brown boy in a skateboard... No two skateboard crashes to him. He was wearing a basketball Jersey.
"Get off me danny" copycat pushed him aside before getting up and dusting the dirt.
"THAT'S DARING DANNY X" The other one said crossing his arms in front of his chest in a shape of X.
They started arguing. Take this as a chance, i quickly made my way towards the gates.

RomanceSchool days... A part of our life which cannot be forgotten... A place where we used to play tom and jerry pen fights in the classroom. The most amazing days of our lives when there is no responsibility of facing the real world but just the tension...