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Zuma's pov

I can't believe it. I did it. While walking up to get my Jersey, i feel them pat me on the back. Chase gave me a high five as coach starts to name off the jv.

"So boys, we're having tournaments in a month. This is when it gets serious. This is when we truly find out what we need to work on. The scrimmage tournament isn't just practice. It's when we learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. So we're starting practices from tomorrow."

It was a good peptalk... Or end of practice talk thing.

Skye's POV

Coach evans began handing out our uniforms. They looked like the classic high school uniform. It was blue, white and silver that was completed with the signature 'Rangers' on the front and 'Adventure bay high cheer' on the back. We got a short sleeve top and a skirt.

"Coach began to speak." Okay girls, go try on the uniform in the bathroom, but you may not wear it for practice. You must wear them on the first game of the year, which is on this saturday. We will begin warm ups once everyone gets situated."

As soon as they heard the word " try on", almost everyone darted for the bathroom. With an exception of me, everest and ella.

"Let's sit on the bleachers for sometime." Everest said. We walked and sat there. The football tryouts have started and we can see them clearly. In the new group of players, i recognized one as zuma and other was as blake.

Soon zuma was called. I saw him taking a deep breath before looking towards us. We gave him thumbs up. He completed the tryouts with ease. Ella stood up jumping up and down in joy.

"Someone is soo happy" Everest teased her.

"W-what.. N-no i-wasn't.... I m-mean" her face turned red.

"So let's warm up and then talk about stunt groups?" I asked them.

They nodded their head. I put down the paper i was fanning myself with. We walked to track where we performed last friday. First we run laps. Then we started off with basic things like front walkovers, back walkovers and back handsprings.

"It was pretty in sync." Ella commented after everest and i did our tumbling pass.

Other came back after tryout their uniforms. "Run laps like they did, work on stunts, jumps and tumbling then after that I'll tell you what to do". Coach yelled to them.

They all took off running, but i didn't think that pace would last long..... And i was right. By lap three everyone was down. Sweetie almost threw up. How unfit!!!!

"Practice over." The coach yelled before walking away. Everyone run back to the locker room. Ella, everest and me was the last one to go.

Reaching near the locker room aka the gossip land , i can hear the sweetie gang talking about the football boys.

"Heard that Chase has become the captain again." Ellie said to sweetie.

"Yes. I'm excited. He will ask me out, it's going to happen ". Sweetie said in a very confident voice.

"You said this last time too". Mia stated.

"I wonder if Rex would ask me out. He's the wide receiver after all. He surely need a date for sunday...." Mia sighed dreamingly.

"Puny rex? Seriously? It'll be better if that's Marshall or Zuma" Ellie asked.

"Please that boy is anything but puny now. God he has grown some muscles though." Mia said.

"But you know rumours are spreading that chase has a thing for that blonde." Bella said in between.

"Please, whoever she is, will know soon enough that chase will ask me out. Besides I'm sure he'll also ask me as his date for Sunday's party". Sweetie said twirling her hair.

"Yeah. You all wish for these.I'm sure that blonde has already wrapped him around her finger. It looks like you lost." Bella laughed.

"I suggest you end that attitude if you want to stay on this team." Sweetie glared before walking out of the room, only to be bumped into me. Her glare intensified.

"Listen you ugly duckling, chase is mine.. Only mine. Stay away from him.you understand ugly?" She pointed her finger to me.

"Are you talking to a mirror? I mean we all know who is ugly in this room. If you want to clarify, you can use the mirror for reference." I said blowing my hair to her and walking inside.
Sweetie and her friends stormed out of the room and we burst out laughing.

After changing, we went back to our main lockers to pick up the books.

"I've gotta go to art. If I'm late mr. Turbot will have a fit." Ella shuts her locker door with a roll of her eyes. I chuckle at her dramatic behaviour.

"Yeah. I want to get to maths early so i can get a seat up the back, see ya later." I said. Everest and i walked down the hall to our class.

"Hey, wait for me," i heard someone call turned around only to see that marshall tripped on something and has fell on everest.

I quickly took out my phone and clicked a photo. After that i updated my Instagram story.




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