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Rubble's pov

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yup. A basketball game. Against royal city high." Rex said.

"You mean the last year champions?" Tracker asked in between.

"Exactly. But Ryder is confident that we'll win this game." Chase commented.

"There will be a party after the game. Who wants to go for a party after losing a game?".zuma exclaimed.

"But royal city is in next town. Isn't it?" Tuck asked.

"Yes. The basketball team and the cheerleading squad are leaving on thursday evening." Everest informed.

"What? Why so early?" Chase and marshall asked simultaneously.

"What. What?" Ella asked.

"Yeah. Why are you all leaving that early? The game is on Saturday." Zuma asked with a frown.

"Mayor informed that everyone should leave early, so we can practice on friday." Sophia stated.

"So, only violet and luna will be here." I asked after analysing.

"Mm." Skye nodded.

"I heard ryder saying that mayor goodway also informed that there'll be a team of audience going." Rocky said.

"Good. We can give our names for that. But how do you know?" Marshall asked.

"He's the coach's help. He is going too." Daisy informed.

"You're going too." Tuck asked and rocky nodded. " 100 students will be going as school selected. Others have to go their own if they like. " Rocky completed.

"Then it's settled. We all are going." I stated to which they all agreed.


The day really went amazing than i thought. All of them enjoyed in their own ways.

"The movie almost in an hour. We've to leave."

After saying goodbyes to the grandparents, we head towards the town. It's getting dark.The time was around 6.30.The movie starts at 7.00

Reaching the theatre and getting our tickets we went inside taking seats at the back row.

"We're going to get food and drinks. Want anything?" Zuma and tracker stood up as there was 15 minutes more for the movie to start.

"Popcorn ". Everybody yelled.

Emarald's POV

Zuma and tracker left to the snack bar. All the others started talking about random things. I was going to sit beside skye, but in the way i bumped into someone. Sophia stood up beside, helping me up.

"Watch were you're going." She yelled to them. The guys turned towards us. There were three of them.

"Sorry little lady." The boy with brown hair and hazel eyes said to Sophia. Looks like a mysterious bad boy.

"For one, don't call me little lady." She said. I knew she was tricked. Look like she will attack in any minute.

"Leave them alone will yeah?!" The third one said. Is it blake?

"I can handle it my own." Sophia said to him. Skye came up to us and stood behind us.The second guy moved into light. Michael?

"Hey beautiful ". He grinned to her and skye glared to him."what's a nice good looking girl doing with them?" He asked.

"None of your business ". Chase piped up.

"Stop hitting on us." I yelled. Zuma and tracker came back.

"Blake?" That's when daisy noticed him.

"Not again." I heard tuck muttering under his breath.

"You know him?" Rubble asked daisy.

"Yeah. He's my childhood friend blake". She said.

"Blake, these are my rest of friends.. Chase, Marshall, rex, rocky, tracker and zuma."

"Nice to meet you all." He said and they nodded.

The mysterious guy smirked to sophia and went back with Michael. Blake followed.

"Sit down and shut your traps. Movie's starting!" Tuck yelled irritated. He sounds like a jealous boyfriend. Skye went and sat beside marshall and chase. I and daisy sat beside tuck and rex. Violet, Luna and everest sat beside tracker rubble and rocky, in same row as chase and others. Ella, sophia and zuma sat behind us.

The movie started. We all hushed up and ate popcorn while the movie played.

"What do you think the movie is about?" I asked rex.

"The same as usual, romance." He said and i laughed.

"Boo.. Get new hair. It's flopping around your face!" Marshall yelled.

"Yeah. While you're at it, get a new hair cut." Skye said and they started laughing behind us.

"Shut the hell up. Will ya?" Rubble yelled. I looked towards daisy to find her equally bored as me.


Soon the movie ended and we exited the theatre. It was almost 9 and dark.

"I've head home friends. See ya." Rocky said in a hurry. Marshall insisted to drop him home. But he refused and left quickly.

We said goodbyes to each other and parted our ways.


𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 my lil sis : Suha142009  for giving me such a wonderful birthday gift❤️