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Daisy's pov

"Blake?what are you doing here? I thought you were in newyork." I was surprised to see him here.

"Well we've shifted. Also I've joined Adventure bay high. Starting classes on monday." He said.

"Wow. That's good to hear." I smiled to him.

"It's good to see you though. You've become more beautiful." Saying this he pulled me into a hug while i tried to stop my cheeks from blushing.

Blake evans, my friend and my first crush. We have been friends since kindergarten. We both had a special connection with each other. But due to some financial crisis his whole family moved to newyork and yeah, my first crush ended there.

"Daisy tu-" sophia was cut off as she saw blake. "Who's this?" Others followed behind her.

"Friends meet my childhood friend Blake Evans, and blake, this is sophia, skye, violet, Luna, everest, emarald and ella."

"Hey cutiesss" He smiled to them.

Someone cleared their throat. I turned around to find tuck and zuma looking to us with their eyebrows raised.

"Let's go. Give me that bags." Zuma took our shopping bags from us and walked away. Rude!

"Tuck, this is blake and blake this is tuck " i introduced. Others left with zuma leaving us here.

"Oh, nice to meet you. Is he your boyfriend?" Blake asked shaking Tuck's hand.

"What n. no-noo. We're friends." I let oit a nervous laugh.

Tuck eyed him suspiciously. Two guys, from a distance called blake. "I'll see you Monday daisy." He gave me a charming smile before walking away.

"Bye." I waved to him smiling.

"Ugh... Stop smiling to him daisy. His face make me sick." Tuck said annoyingly.

What's his problem now?

"Excuse me, he's my friend." I glared to him.

"Stay away from him. He looks weird." He said to which i just rolled my eyes.

"Where's chase?" That's when i noticed that instead of chase, zuma and tuck came to pick us.

"He and marshall went to school as coach called them for making arrangements of Monday's tryouts." He said as we reached the parking lot.

"Get in fast. I've to go to school too. The coach just called." Zuma said to which we entered and he drove home.


Rubble's POV

"Be home before 10. Dad's away for business trip." My mom informed as i said about our plan for sunday. I'm pretty much excited.

I heard a horn and looked through the window to see Zuma's car pulling into the driveway.

"Bye mom"

"Take care my boy" i said her saying as i exited the house.

"Hey guys". I greeted entering to the backseat.

"Hii" They greeted back. Zuma, daisy, rex and tracker was one's who were already in it.

Zuma started the car and the journey started. It felt like it took forever to reach the farm house. It was a huge white and creame house with mamy windows and balconies.

Chase's car was already in the driveway and the front door was open. Entering the living room, we saw chase, everest, violet,luna, tuck and ella watching tv.

"Hello people, we're here." Zuma announced and everyone's attention turned towards us.

"Hey." Luna grinned to me.

"Hey lunny" i sat beside her.

"So where are the others?" Rex asked chase.

"On the way. They're waiting rocky to arrive." He informed.

"So what's our plan after lunch?" Tracker asked.

"Heve you heard that there is a new release yesterday?" Everest asked.

"Why don't we go for it?" Daisy asked.

"Sounds cool. What about you guys?" I asked now more excited. Everyone nodded.

Soon Marshall, skye, Rocky, Emarald and sophia joined. That's when i noticed rocky. He looked so..... Tired?

There was dark circles under his eyes and also if we looked more detailed, there are bruised marks on his face and hands.

"Umm... Rocky, are you okay?" Zuma noticed it too.

"Yeah. I'm great." He let out a nervous laugh.

"Skye was asking the same question till we reach here." Marshall said plopping to the couch.

A women in her late 60s came to the living room. It must be their grandma.

We all introduced ourselves and they seemed to happy to see all of us together. Grandpa joined too and it was so much fun to spend time with them. They were also surprised to see that we also have other twins in the group.

Soon we all gathered at the dining for lunch. The food was amazing.

"Slow down rubble." Zuma said chuckling. I gave them a sheepish grin and continued attacking my food.

"Zuma, how's my grandma's filet mignon?" Ella asked and everyone laughed.

Zuma blushed. Grandpa looked at us questioningly.

"It's his favourite dish, mrs Williams." Sophia answered.

"Ohhhh". Grandpa smiled. We all laughed again especially when Zuma's face turned crimson. Finally feeling pity on him, grandpa said." Don't worry about it. I would be offended if you didn't like it. It's what made me fall in love with her. "

"Grandpa " Ella and tuck shouted at the same time making us laugh again.

After lunch, we all gathered in the living room.
"So zuma, heard that you're joining the football team". Marshall enquired.

"Yeah. It is. Tryouts are tomorrow right?"

"Mm. Heard that more are joining." Chase informed.

"What about swimming?" Tuck asked.

"Official practice are starting tomorrow. There will be tryouts too." Zuma stated.

"Violet, luna and sophia are going to join" Emarald replied.

"Great. What about you rocky?" Skye glanced to rocky.

"Umm... N.. Not joining anything."

"But why? You can tryout for football, swimming or track team. Right?" Daisy asked.

"Dunno. I'll think." He avoided eye contact.

"Do you guys heard that we've a game on Saturday?" Luna asked.
