911 30 10

Skye's pov

"Look jace, i don't know what sophia told-"

"Oh yeah, she told me you're really nervous ". Jace cut me off.

I frowned.Of course i was freaking nervous! Chase is here and I'm here with another guy for a date. If i didn't bolt out, he'll see me.

I glanced towards the table again.

Oh my! He stood up talking to everest and ella, looking around more like searching around.

Thank lord that the food court is big and there is no way for chase to spot me just by looking around.

I took a deep breath." jace -"

"You don't have to be nervous around me. I am a very easy going and i like-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I don't like you jace. Sophia was-"

I stopped midway when i saw his hurt expression. Like really hurt....

Wait, will he cry or something?

I turned to shoot sophia a glare, but she along with everyone had already disappeared from the pizza counter and now sitting with chase, Marshall and tuck.

"Look buddy, I'm in kind of hurry, if you'll excuse me-"

My eyes fell open when i saw his eyes... watering?

What the hell? So, he was actually going to swim in a pool of tears if i rejected him?

"OMG fine! Let's have this date... But stop crying okay!" I said feeling overwhelmed.

Jace beamed at me, fist bumping in air. "Thanks for a giving me a chance skye, but i was not crying, something went to my eye."


"Come on, i already booked a private booth for us." He said starting to walk.

"Why don't we choose another-"

"It's non refundable skye. Sorry." He cut me again. Will he just close his mouth for once and let me speak? I fisted my hand, but plastered a fake smile on my face.

Now the only problem, getting past chase's table to reach to reach the booth which was in the corner.

"Remember to keep your mouth shut on the way." Jace looked like he wanted to say something but kept his mouth shut.

I removed the bun from my hair making it fall over my face and started walking.

Sophia gave me thumbs up, while Zuma's eyes widen in surprise. I increased my pace.

Everything was going fine until jace, the idiot decided to open his mouth at exact time when we were passing chase's table. " what's the hurry skye! Slowdown. "

I was so shocked by this and i tripped over my own steps. Marshall who heard my name turned to my side getting up in a sudden speed causing the chair to fall to back.

With the sudden nervousness, Marshall tripped on the same chair pushing zuma to fell flat on ella.

Tripping my own steps i was about to fell when chase jumped to catch me before fall. But instead of grabbing on to him, i pulled him along. And this is how chase ended up falling with me.

Or should i say fall on me? Because, he was now on top of me.

The whole scene happen within seconds and i never knew the reflexes will this fast!

I was laying on my back, my eyes widened to the size of saucers. Chase was looking at me in confusion, because my hair was all over my face.

"Get off me you bulldozer!" Ella grunted pushing zuma from her top and getting up to dust the dirt.

I pushed chase to the side to get up. But the idiot who caused all of these was watching us like we were the best source of entertainment.

Chase sat up, and removed my hair from my face.

My breath hitched in throat!

"Skye? What're you doing here?''

"Woohoo and here we have the moment of discovery."

I snapped my head towards the table, getting up followed by chase at Tuck's voice. He was filming the whole thing with his phone.

"Excuse me". Jace decided to open his mouth again!

"FYI, she is with me and we're on a date." He said and i gulped. Not again!

Chase glared to both of us. He's so pissed now! If looks can kill, that's what happening now.

"Only going to happen in your dream." With that he grabbed my hand and pulled out of the food court. All others followed us like lost puppies.

Soon we reached the parking lot of the mall. He pulled out the car keys from the pocket and unlocked it, then opened the passenger seat for me to get in.

Chase has car?

"It's my mom's " chase replied to my thought. Did i just-

" yeah, you did think aloud. " i looked away feeling embarrassed.

Ella, emarald, Sophia and daisy entered to the car and chase started it.

"Get the others and come to my house. I'll send you the address " chase said to zuma as he nodded and went to his car.

The car hummed quietly as we drove, within 10 minutes the car was pulled in to a driveway of an elegant looking house. It was simple yet beautiful.

Reaching the front doors, everest rang the doorbell. The door opened revealing jake.

He opened it widely for us to enter. "Hey, you're early"

"Yeah. Change in plans." Everest glanced to chase.

"Yeah!" He nodded.

"Dad, these are our news friends" Everest grinned.

"That's great." He smiled to us.

I heard the pitter patter of footsteps as a little girl came into view.

"Chase, you're home!" She exclaimed as she jumped into his arms.

"Of course. I'm home, i do live here after all." He teased, putting her down.

"Friends meet my little sister cassie." Chase said.

" Hi cassie" i beamed to her as she smiled to me shyly.

I could see the resemblance between them. They both had same facial features and brown hair, but chase has brown eyes whereas cassie has baby blue eyes.

Jake got a call, so he went outside. "Let's go to the basement." Everest said to us.

"Can i come?" Cassie asked curiously.

"Sure sweety" i said ruffling her hair as she giggled in excitement.

"Let's go." Chase said and we started following him.


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