[12]: Dealing With A Drunk

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I-I just..... I read this weird one-shot and liek.... Yeaaaaah.

Warning: Lime content
Rated: PG-13 for said content^


~Dealing With A Drunk~

You sighed, as you watched America hold up a really, really wasted England. America huffed. "Take care of him for me, will ya, (Y/n)?" He asked, shoving the drunk Brit into your arms.

England nuzzled his face into your chest and whispered, "Love~ it's you~!"

You blushed and pushed him away a bit. "Um, why can't you deal with him?" You demanded.

America sweatdropped and laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "'Cause I got some important stuff to do, dude! See ya later!" With that said, he dashed away.

You twitched in anger and growled, "Stupid America..." Then, you heard England moan. "Nngh! (Y-y/n)!" He exclaimed.

You had a nosebleed right then and there.


You sat there on your comfortable love seat whilst you kept a good eye on England who was on the floor, humping a teddy bear.

You cried a single tear dramatically and thought sadly Mr. Cuddly Tea Bear...!

When England stopped humping the bear, you instantly raised your umbrella in front of you in fear.

He slowly looked up at you, lust swirling in his green eyes. You gulped and took evasive action.... By grabbing a lamp. "Come on! Bring it, you lustful piece of cranberry juice!" You yelled.

Suddenly, England stood up and unbuckled his pants. You blushed and quickly looked away, screaming. "ENGLAND!!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL DING-DONG?!?!!?????!!!!?" You screeched.

"I love you, (Y/n)~~~ hic~!" He slurred, smiling at you and trying to walk over to you.

OH SHIZ!!! Your mind thought, as you dodged your Brit friend. England tried to molest you, kiss you, grope you, stroke you, hug you and capture you but you kept on dodging.

The blonde suddenly dropped down on the floor and cried, rolling around. You sweatdropped. "Okay, what the hell...?"

He kept on crying and crying so you decided to ask him why. "B-because you *hic* won't let me.... *hic* F*CK YOU!!!!" He whined.

You blushed and kicked him on the head. He winced and cried even more. "Gosh, if you wanted to make love with me, why didn't you just ask?" You deadpanned.

"You'll *hic* gett mad at.... Mee!!" He slurred even more, tears still dripping from his eyes.

You sighed and took out your handkerchief. You wiped it at England's tears and he sniffled. The blonde grabbed your wrist gently and kissed it.

"You... Are the most *hicc* wonderfull and superf adorable female I... Hic! Have everr met," he told you, a lopsided grin adorning his features.

You blushed madly and cleared your throat. "I-I think it's time for bed, England," you said.

England smirked weirdly and hugged you sloppily. "Yes!! You're.... *hic* righty!! We must do sexy time....! Quickly!!" He hurried you into the bedroom.


He locked the door and smirked menacingly at you, tossing the key somewhere. He shoved you to the wall and dugged his hand inside your pants, making you squeak in surprise. "E-England...!" You shrieked.

He shushed you and whispered in your ear, "And... This is what you get, for dealing with a drunk."

Let's just say... That something important got stolen from you by a stupid, immensely hot, British drunkard.


I think I was joking with the "immensely hot" part.... Hahaha... ^^"

England: -w- Yeah, right, Alice.....

It's true!!!! I didn't...mean....it.....

England: -W- I know you like me-


England: I mean- you possibly (and is probably true) love me!!


England: O-oi...! Wait!!

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