[17]: Game of Lies

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~Game of Lies~

You looked at your husband, as he slept soundly. You were worried that he would run away from you for sure. You have never been an ideal wife and never would be. He must have been noticing that, too and probably is planning his escape right now.

You sighed and looked at the ceiling. What should you do? Bake him a lovely cake and everything would be chocolate and sprinkles? No, that would not do.

How long have you two been married? About.... 2 years, perhaps. If the bond was that long, why are you panicking? Isn't this supposed to be a good thing? You frowned. No, it's not.

You heard shifting and immediately turned your head to the side to look at your handsome husband. He smiled sleepily at you. "Good morning, baby," he yawned.

You forced a smile. You knew he just wanted to have sex with you and then he'll leave you for sure. "Good morning," you greeted softly.

He'll leave you, your mind screamed at you. Don't let that happen. Don't make love with him.

Arthur smiled charmingly and brushed a piece of your hair out of your face. "I love you, my dear," he cooed.

You tried to say the same thing to him without hissing in anger. "Love you, too," you grinned.

"So.... How about making love, sweetie? We need children, don't we?" Arthur smiled, somewhat looking like a smirk to you.

You giggled on the outside but gagged in the inside. "I'm sorry, but I'm not yet ready, love," you apologised.

He frowned and placed his hand on your thigh. "But, honey, you've been rejecting the offer since we married two years ago. What's happened?"

You looked down. "I-I'm just not ready." Arthur caressed your cheek. "I'm always waiting for you." He promised, smiling.


Everything he says are lies.

You two got up and started your morning right. With an exception of Arthur begging you to have sex with him. "No," you told him. "I'm still not ready." That's what you kept on telling him. He wouldn't just give up.

"Love, please. Why don't we talk all about this in bed?" He begged, giving you a puppy look.


"But --"


This happened for several days now and it drove you nuts. This was the last straw.

Arthur came up to you, smiling -- though it seemed like a devilish smirk to you. "Love, let's --"


He seemed shocked at your speech and stayed silent. You huffed angrily and stomped away.

For the past few days, after the incident, Arthur had seemed more distant to you now and your suspicions came true. He was sleeping with another woman.

You gritted your teeth and barged in, glaring at the both of them. Arthur held a shocked look on his face while the slut held an evil smirk.

"Why, ello, wifey," she purred.

You felt hot tears in your eyes but you held back. "YOU F*CKING ASSHOLE, I KNEW IT," you screamed and walked out, slamming the door shut.

"Wait, (Y/n)!"

You ignored him and kept on walking, out the door. "Wait a minute, love, please!" He called, running after you.

You felt a hand grip your wrist and turned you around. You glared at your husband, as he panted a bit because of the cold, winter air.

"What do you want," you hissed.

"Please hear me out. I.... You didn't want me to have sex with you so-"

"That's your reason? Gods, you said you'd wait for me! What the hell is wrong with you?!" You shouted, flailing your arms around like a madman.

Arthur gulped and placed his hands on your shoulders. "Yes, yes, I know."

"Then, why did you sleep with another girl?!"

"B-because... I... I don't know. All I know is that I wanted to have sex with you and then, that happened."


"Yes, I know. I am an ass. But, I love you so much, (Y/n). May we start again?"


You stared at him and sighed, wiping away some tears. Then, you looked up at him and gave him a crooked smile.

"Fine. I'll believe in this game of lies you're playing with me and till the end of it all, I'll just cherish this forever. I'll enjoy my time with you, until you decide to leave me and throw me away."

Arthur gave you a broken smile and chuckled, without humor. "Yes, okay. We'll just stay like this until I say we're over and it gets old," he decided, holding your hand softly.

You smiled and pulled him with you, as you two walked around town.

"Till then."


Why does this seem such a dark chapter???? Odd.

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