[30]: The Windboy

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I was sleeping and suddenly this idea came into my mind. XD Hope you guys like it!

P.S. I'm sorry if my brain's messed up shiz. It's natural that way. ^-^"

(Country_Name) = made-up country you can think of (e.g. Hogwarts [not even a country but idc])


//The Windboy//

In my country, there's this myth of a Windboy lurking around the countryside, just waiting for any lost souls for him to gather up and throw them into his master's mouth for him to eat. His master was the wind, and the Windboy's job was to feed him or he would get eaten.

I thought that this was simply just a myth.

I never knew that it would actually be true.


"(Y/n)! Time to wake up!"


Where am I?

I wake up to see my mom hovering above me with a smile on her face. "We've just arrived at (Country_Name)!" She exclaims in excitement.

"Yay." I reply, no emotion in my voice.

My mom pouts at me. "Come on, (Y/n)! Have some excitement in your voice," she tells me.

"But- we're in a deserted town."

"It's not deserted! Nor is it a town! We now live in a country, population is 26 including us," she counters my statement.

I sigh. "Even so, mom. I mean- population 26. Does this mean anything to you?"

My mom crosses her arms and looks at me sternly. "Of course it does, sweetheart! At least there are less bandits and raping guys here, right?" She tried to make the best of everything.

I shrug. "I... I guess so?"

She smiles and gives me a peck on the cheek. "That's the spirit! Now, let me unpack our stuff. You can go ahead and explore the country, (Y/n)!" She heads off into our room to unpack, leaving me.

I walk out of our room and go downstairs. I see a woman behind a counter, reading the newspaper.


She jumps and looks at me. "Oh- it's you. What is it?" She grumbles.

"What time is it?"

"It's noon, kid."

I nod and thank her, escaping the motel. I look around and see a few buildings.

Pfft, and Mom calls this a country?

I hear someone screaming and I whip my head around to see an old man running towards me.

He grabs my arms and shakes me violently. "HE'S HERE ONCE AGAIN! He has come to take away our souls!" He shrieks, running off again.

'He'? Who's 'he'?

The old man came from the countryside so, let me start from there. This seems like a puzzling mystery that I want to solve!

(A/N Prof. Layton: A true gentleman never leaves a puzzle unsolved.
A/N: the hell? Why are you here, Professor?
PL: ^-^ Cameo appearances' sake.)

I trudge my way to the far off countryside and see nothing much. Huh, that's weird.

Maybe it's high time I went back home.

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