[3]: Exam Results

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Haha, I thought of this one-shot from my own exam results so... Enjoy! :3


~Exam Results~

You groaned in despair at your examination results. You weren't perfect in all of them. Your results were: 1 mistake, 2 mistakes, 1 mistake, 3 mistakes, 1 mistake. Seriously?! Why can't you be a perfect?!

You heard footsteps beside you and looked up, feeling very depressed. "What is it, England?" You groaned. He raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong, love? Why the long face?" He asked.

"My exams are low," you answered with a frown.

He leaned to look at your papers and his eyes widen. He gave you an incredulous look. "What?" You frowned even more, confused.

"Love. You have high scores."

You crumpled your examination tests and threw them in the trash bin. You crossed your arms in frustration. "No, they're not! Why do people always say they're freaking high?" You complained.

England rolled his eyes, going to the bin to pick your test papers out. "Maybe because it's high?" He suggested sarcastically.

You huffed. "It's not high..." You mumbled.

The Brit sighed and walked back to you, handing you your papers. "It doesn't always have to be perfect, you know?"

"Yes, it does!" You protested.



England looked at you worriedly. "I don't want you to become so worked up because of a one mistake 'failed' test, love," he told you sincerely. You sighed and looked away.

"But they're low..."

You felt fingers wrap themselves around your chin and lift your head up gently, your (e/c) orbs staring at familiar green ones.

"Love, please. Do not. Over. Work. Yourself." He ordered.

You frowned then smiled, defeated. You shrugged. "Okay, fine," you sighed.

He released your chin and smiled happily. "I'm glad you agree!" He gave you a close-eye smile and walked away.

You chuckled quietly and lightly touched your cheek -- which felt slightly warm.

"England, you butthole..." You muttered in embarrassment.

Dating The Tsundere (England x Reader One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now