[37]: His Corpse Bride Alt. Ending

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//so i re-read "His Corse Bride" and i thought...
//fuck no bitch.
//reader-chan needs a happy ending and not this bittersweet shit

//so i made an alternate ending for you guys!
//hope you guys like it :)

//His Corpse Bride Alt. Ending//


The (h/c) woman snaps out of her reverie, looking back at her husband-to-be, Arthur Kirkland.

"Arthur?" She breathes out shakily, not believing this is happening.

The blonde frowns, his green eyes showing concern for her. "Is something wrong?"

Why am I here again? I thought I died in peace... I left Arthur with his true love, didn't I? The corpse bride thought in confusion and fear. It was a happy ending!

But you were not happy, whispered a mysterious voice.

"(Y/n)?" Arthur asks again, becoming more worried by the minute. "Are you alright?"

"I... I- I thought..." She trails off, as she finds that there was no woman behind the pillar. Where was that Amelia girl? She thought, more confused than ever.

She's already married to Sir Francis and will forever be his. Not Arthur's, the mysterious voice answers her question. She's not coming back for Arthur because she thinks he's dead.


But don't worry, my dear. She will get over it, it replies casually.

That is not something to be so casual about! She reprimands it mentally.

You can finally marry Arthur. Are you not happy with him?

(Y/n) looks down, feeling unsure of this situation. I am happy with Arthur... But this is not right!

My child, please consider this with all your soul, mind and heart... This is an opportunity to live your dream and be truly happy. Do think carefully, my dear.

"(Y/n)? Are you sure you're okay?" Arthur's voice rings through her decaying ears and brings her back to reality.

"Arthur... Tell me something please, and assure me it is the truth," his corpse bride starts to say, still looking down at the ground.

"What is it?" He replies, worry obviously shown on his handsome features.

"Do you love me or Amelia?" She softly asks, her tone holding no venom nor hate.

She had learnt to accept Amelia and she had prepared herself for the worst outcome.

His choice for the blonde woman is something she should not be so surprised about.

But. . .

"I love you, (Y/n) (L/n)."

That caused her to whip her head back up, her teary (e/c) eyes staring back at his love-filled forest-green irises.

"Do you mean that? Truly?" She tries to make sure that she wasn't dreaming and pinches herself whilst she inquires.

Arthur suddenly chuckles, making her jump a bit. Why was he laughing? Is her love something to laugh at?

Her eyes start to tear up even more, causing Arthur to stop laughing. He waves his hands, saying it was a misunderstanding.

(Don't worry, guys, the wine glass is on top of the table beside them)

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