[8]: Tsundere

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Enjoy, minna-san! (Edited).


You folded your arms, your cheeks beet red. You looked away, harshly saying, "Baka ja naino?! (Roughly translated: What are you, an idiot?!)"

Alfred winced at your harsh tone and sighed, running his fingers through his blonde hair. "Seriously, (Y/n)... Stop being tsundere," he said, sounding irritated.

You slowly let yourself soften and released your grip on your forearms. You sighed and lowered your head in shame. "I- I know... But, I just can't help it...." You admitted quietly.

"G- gomenasai!" You yelled, running away. Alfred reached out his hand to catch you but went against that. He sighed and shook his head. "She'll never get Iggy within her grasp if she continues being like this," he grumbled.


Arthur was monitoring the hallways and the students that it contained, nodding every once in a while at them. You were running, tears in your eyes. You knew it was inevitable -- your tsundere attitude -- but you couldn't help it, at all! It was a normal reflex for you. You wanted Arthur but... You knew you could never get him.


"Itaii!!!" You yelped, falling on your butt. The person you bumped into fell, also. "Ouch!" He (you realised it was a guy's voice) said.

You opened your eyes to see..... Arthur. You stayed silent, turning pale white slowly. Then, your face exploded red and you recoiled. "EHHHH?!" You shrieked, your hands twitching.


The said boy raised his eyebrow in question of your shock. "Yes, that is me, and who are you?" He asked.

(A/N: I'm soooorry!!! I don't know why, but I'm imagining Arthur as Tsubaki Sasuke here! I reeeaaaally don't know whyyyyyyy >.<)

The blush on your cheeks faded and your eyes widen. "You.... Ah, I get it," you muttered bitterly. You looked up, glaring straight at Arthur's green orbs. He flinched a bit at those fierce emotions swimming within your (e/c) eyes.

"I'm nobody, don't mind me." You hissed, as you walked past him, your shoulder roughly brushing his.

Arthur stumbled a bit then turned to look at you with hate. What was her problem? He thought angrily. He has done nothing wrong yet you be rude to him! He doesn't even know you!

He glared at your retreating figure once more then continued his way around the school, observing students and their actions.


When you were sure he was gone, you hurriedly went around a corner and peeked out, trying to locate your lifetime crush. Your cheeks were flushed and your (h/c) hair was matted with sweat.

You were so embarrassed. Why the hell did you do that?! Well, you were tsundere. You couldn't help but be rude to him. You sighed, pushing back your bangs (A/N: but if you don't have bangs, forget about it! Just try to tidy up your sweaty hair) in frustration. You absolutely hated yourself. It was the definition of ugly!

Only Alfred knew about your problem and all those deep and covered feelings under that cold, tsundere mask. He was your bestfriend.

"Oi, (Y/n)!"

Speak of the devil.

You turned around to glare at him, your hands finding their way to your hips. "Nani yo?!" You asked harshly.

Alfred rolled his eyes casually. He was so used to this sh*t already. But you were his friend so he can deal with this sh*t any day. "That was a bad call, dude. You totally threw Artie off!" He pointed out.

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