[7]: Hugging Urge

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Yay, more fluff because I'm feeling veeery fluffy! Enjoy! ^-^


~Hugging Urge~

England stared at you, as you wrote your article for Journalism Club. He had gotten the "hugging urge" or whatever America called it.

Let me explain what a hugging urge is:

Hugging urge

n. A compelling feeling that one feels when they need to hug a certain someone (that certain someone varies)

The qualification for the certain person: They vary by someone who loves/likes you, hates you or has no relationship with you whatsoever.

There are two types of these urges: the normal one and the unusual one

Normal-type: One would hug a singular specific person in a time and another time and all the other times after that.

Unusual-type: One would hop from person to person in these times.

That was the hugging urge and it won't stop unless you hug the person or stop seeing the person. That was the Authoress' theory, however. (A/N: It's somewhat true, I guess... I had the hugging urge and stopped seeing the person coz I would get hit by him if I hugged him :( )

England sighed and gripped his pant leg. He was going to lose his mind. You glanced up at your friend, he looked nervous. What was wrong with him, you didn't know.

You frowned and got back to writing.


England had excused himself and now was in the cafeteria. He drank some water but that didn't help the fact that he wanted to hug you. He tried hugging the tables, chairs, pillars and even Mrs. Cafeteria Lady!

He had bowed and apologised, explaining that he had this urge to hug you. The cafeteria lady squealed in delight and nodded wildly, understanding the whole situation.

"You two would make a cute couple!" She said, happily.

England blushed and shook his hands vigorously. "N- no! You got it all wrong! I just need a hug!" He denied.

"Are? Why don't you hug me again, then?" The cafeteria lady smirked.

The blonde turned beet red and tried to scoot away but the cafeteria lady had him under her claws. "So, tell me," she said. "Why do you want to hug (Y/n) only?"

"B- b-because... I-I...!"

"Love her?"

"N- no...! I-I...!"

"Desire her?"

"W- wahh! N-no...!"

"Want her? Keep her as your own~~?"

"Please stop!" He shouted, blushing like mad. The cafeteria lady laughed. Then, she smiled at him. England blinked, dumbfounded. What? Why is she smiling?

"England," she said slowly. "Go to her."


"I know you like her so... Go! Scoot! Skedaddle!"

England blushed and turned. "I don't like her!" He yelled one more time and ran away. The cafeteria lady sighed and shook her head but nevertheless, smiled.

"I'll make sure to prepare their wedding soon...."


You were quietly waiting for England, as you read your favourite book, (f/b). It was the most interesting book ever, you had to say.


Eh? You looked up, only to see England running to you with a desperate look on his face, his arms wide open. You slowly widen your eyes (everything was slow-mo, 'kay?) and gasped lightly.

When England was so close to you, you dodged to the side, the blonde crashing into the wall a second later.

You stood up straight, staring at the twitching blonde with a deadpan on your visage. "Masakaa...." You murmured.

Then, you heard England's muffled voice speak. "S- sorry...." He sat up, rubbing the red bump on his head. "I- I-I just wanted to hug y- you!" He stammered, a blush on his cheeks.

Your eyes widen. "Hm? Hug me, you say?" You tilted your head.

He blushed even more and nodded. Silence fell, as England's blush increased every second of the silence. He was going to blow into tomato shards, not until you broke the silence.

You smiled and placed your hands on your hips. "Okay! I agree on your request to hug me! Permission granted!" You said, giving him the peace sign.

England gaped at you then blushed, looking down. He poked his pointer fingers together shyly and nodded slightly. "O- o...kay...." He whispered.


When class started once again, England had been hugging you behind with a stupid smile on his face, occasionally sighing dreamily. You just laughed at him, still very oblivious to his obvious feelings.

The cafeteria lady stared at you both outside the window, looking annoyed. "Nandeeee?!?! The OTP is ruuuuiiiinnneeeedddd!!!" She shrieked in horror, tugging on her hair in frustration.

The students around her looked at her with weird looks and horrified faces. Some stared, some ran away in fear while some just joined her, knowing what pairing she was talking about.


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