[32]: I Don't Hate You

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This actually sums up my feelings towards someone .... But eh. Don't mind me.
Press on, reader-chan!


//I Don't Hate You//

There was this one boy in your class named Arthur Kirkland. He was an annoying little prick that liked to ruin everyone's lives at school. He loved to pick at girls' hearts and he liked to make fun of everybody.

He may seem like a bully- but in truth, he's just a tease. An annoying little prick.

You didn't hate him, like everybody did.

You knew he was in pain, but he just hides it to keep himself from crumbling his built-up walls.

You were going to change that today.

You stared at Arthur, as he snickered, flicking a paper ball at the class nerd (although a sweetheart), Alfred F. Jones.

Everybody laughs (although they hate Arthur) and points at Alfred's misery.

You frown and stood up.

They all looked at you.

"All of you," you started. "SHUT THE FUCKING HELL UP AND SIT DOWN."

They all shut up and sit down quietly, fearing your rage.

Arthur stares at you with interest gleaming in his green orbs.

You are an interesting girl, indeed.

And he likes it.


You started to walk to lunch, until a certain boy stops you.

"Arthur? What do you need?" You ask him.

"Can I borrow a pen?" He asks.

You nod and get him a black pen from your pencil case. "Thanks," he smiles gently at you, making your heart skip a beat.

He walks away.





You turn around to see Arthur.

"Oh! Arthur," you take notice of his presence. "Are you finished with my pen?"

He wraps his arms around you and whispers, "Yes, I have."

You blush and push him away. "W-wait! Don't touch me!" You scream, backing away.

He tilts his head. "Why?"

"I-I... You play with girls' hearts! I don't trust you!"

He frowns.

"You hate me, as well, huh...? Like everybody does?" He mumbles, his face glum.

You became silent.


Arthur flinches in shock, looking at you.


"No, I don't hate you! I... I-I..."

He raises an eyebrow.

He goes nearer to you.

"Please tell me, (Y/n)..." He whispers.

"I... I love you!" You confess.

Everything went silent.

"I love you, too," he replies, smiling with tears in his eyes. "I-I'm glad you don't hate me."

"Are... Are you sure you love me?" You ask, scared of becoming heartbroken.

"Yes, with all of my heart."

"I don't want to be deceived."

"Yes, I know. I love you."

He grabs your hand and presses it to his chest, where his heart is. "I love you, can't you see? I shan't decieveth thee."

You blush madly and place your forehead on his upper chest. "I... I believe you."

"Thank you."

His smile.

You've never seen something so wonderful before.

A genuine smile of his.

It makes your heart flutter.

He makes it flutter.

And he loves you.


Rushed ending was rushed...
.-. Sorry

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