the end... for now ig?

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hey, everyone!

i just wanted to start this off by saying i'm so sorry jsnsjdbnsb-

i've honestly lost inspiration to write for this book and i as much as i hate to admit it, it's true. i really wanted to finish this because i love the outsiders so so so much but i just can't find the passion to do so.

i literally rewatched the movie twice, read the book again, and then sat down to write and i just couldn't do it.

i feel really bad about it, but i think i'm gonna end the book here :/

i mean, i don't wanna officially end it. like i'll update again if i ever do get my inspiration back, but until then, i'm putting sunsets & rainbows on a very long hiatus, ig?

but i just wanna thank you all for reading and voting, you've really made this book a pleasure to write <3

and with that, take care and i'll see you all another time :)


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