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»[this chapter includes depictions of attempted sexual assault. just a heads up.]

PONYBOY AND I had ran to the Lot, waking up Johnny and dragging him along with us.

We ran for a while before we stopped to catch our breath next to a blue pick up truck.

Johnny leaned against the fence, breathing hard while I had my hands on my knees, remembering that the last time I had ran that fast was when Pony got attacked by those Socs.

Said boy was pacing around, holding a hand up to his face. It was easy to tell that he was crying.

Johnny noticed and tried to calm him down. "Take it easy, Pony. It'll be alright, man."

"Yeah, Pony, just try to stay calm," I added, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Any one of you guys got a cigarette? I'm scared to death," Ponyboy quivered, reaching into his pocket for a lighter.

"Don't be, man, you're scaring me."

I squinted at Ponyboy, not being able to tell if he was trying to make a joke or not. "Was that suppose to be funny?"

"Ah shoot, I'm sorry, Dre," Pony apologized, wiping his face. "I forgot."

"It's . . . it's fine, Pony. Don't worry about it." I gave him a sympathetic smile. I could see that calmed him down a bit.

He took the cigarette that Johnny handed him, explaining to him everything that had happened.

"Think I like it better when the old mans hittin' me. 'Least he knows I'm there," Johnny stated, stuffing his hands inside the pockets of his denim jacket.

I patted Johnny's back as Pony lit up his cancer stick, taking a puff from it.

"Come on, lets walk to the park and back," Pony suggested, grabbing my hand. "Maybe I'll cool off enough to go home."

We walked down a grassy field, with Pony still holding my hand.

"Ain't you about to freeze to death?" Johnny asked Pony as he glanced at him.

I looked at him too, just realizing that he didn't have on that jacket that I had let him borrow.

"You ain't a woofin'," Ponyboy replied, holding his arms in close.

"What happened to my jacket?" I questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"I think I took it off when we got to my house," Pony answered sheepishly, scratching his cheek. "I forgot to take it when we ran out."

"Correction, when you pulled me and ran as fast as you could while I was practically being dragged across the ground behind you."

"You make it sound worse then it actually was," Ponyboy scoffed, rubbing his arms.

"Yeah, sure," I responded, rolling my eyes.

It was silent for a bit until Pony and I made eye contact. We let out breathy laughs and continued walking with Johnny to the jungle gym in the middle of the park.

We climbed to the top and sat down, letting our feet swing in between the handles. Johnny had found a cigarette butt on the ground and asked Pony for a lighter.

I looked at the two of them with squinted eyes. "I'm about to throw your cigarettes and the both of you off of this thing."

"Yeah, good luck with that," Ponyboy replied chuckling, handing Johnny the lighter.

"Wanna bet?" I smirked as I wrapped an arm around his neck and brought him into a headlock.

"Dre, you're gonna make us both fall!" Pony exclaimed, clinging onto the rails of the jungle gym.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐒 & 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐖𝐒 | ponyboy curtisWhere stories live. Discover now