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»[pretty long chapter ahead. get comfy.]

WE MET DALLY at a stoplight in front of the Bowen Lounge.

He was standing there in his trusty leather jacket, smoking a cigarette. When Pony, Johnny, and I had walked over to him, he threw the match that he had used to light it to the ground.

"Hey, what's goin' on Dal?" Johnny greeted, walking behind Pony and I.

"Hey, Dally!" I shouted jumping the boy's back. He caught me and held the back of my knees, looking up at me with a grin.

"What's up?" Pony asked, patting Dally on his shoulder.

Dally leg go of one of my legs as he removed the cigarette from his mouth and blew out some smoke, holding it in between his middle and index finger. "We're early."

"What'd you wanna do?" Pony asked, looking around at the streets and buildings.

"Nothin' legal, man. Let's get outta here," Dally responded, placing me down back on my feet. 

I walked in between Pony and Johnny, whistling  as we made our way down the street.

On our way to kill time, we witnessed a fight between a hitchhiker and Tim Shepherd with his gang, went to DX to bother Soda and Steve, and chased little kids that were supposedly playing cards in "Dallas' grass."

When it got dark, we snuck into the Drive-in through a little hole in the fence. Dally went through first and Pony went next, helping me get through after. He grabbed my hand and my forearm and helped me up.

"Thanks, Pone." I smiled, wiping off my jeans with my free hand.

I helped Johnny through, not realizing that Pony and I were still holding hands. 

We made our way towards the seat section, passing by these Socs that were yelling at each other. It was a guy and a girl. The girl looked familiar. I was pretty sure she was a cheerleader at our school. The one and only Cherry Valance.

We continued walking to the seat section, hopping over the little fence that separated the cars from the chairs. We sat down in the second row. 

I was in the middle of Pony and Johnny while Dally sat on the right side of Pony. Pony took a drag from his cigarette, while I leaned away from him. He looked at me.

"What?" he asked, taking another drag.

"You know what." I rolled my eyes. "God, if I have an asthma attack because of you . . ."

"Sorry, what was that?" Pony questioned while blowing the smoke in my face. 

I covered my mouth and nose with my shirt and pushed him away with my hands, looking in the other direction so I wouldn't get smoke in my eyes.

"Oh, piss off!" I shouted, making him and Johnny laugh at my misery. 

When he turned forward to watch the movie, I snatched the cigarette from his mouth and threw it on the ground, stepping on it.

"Hey!" Pony yelled, picking up his defective cigarette from the ground.

"Sorry, what was that?"  I mimicked while tilting my head to the side.

Pony rolled his eyes and flicked my temple, causing me to smack him upside the head.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" A girl sounded from the row in front of us, sitting down with someone else.

"I came here to see a movie and I'm gonna see a movie!" The other girl snapped, taking a seat on the uncomfortable movie chair. 

It was that Cherry Valance girl and one of her friends that she always hung around. I'm pretty sure her that name was Marsha.

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