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"IS SHE GONNA wake up soon?"

"I don't know, kid."

"She has to!"

"The doctor said it's gonna take some time."

"But it's already been hours—!"

I groaned, feeling pain spreading through my legs all the way up to my head.

I shot my eyes open, instantly regretting it as I was met with blindingly bright lights. I blinked a few times, getting used to it before I looked around.

I was in a hospital room, laying down in a bed, dressed in one of those gowns with a thin, white blanket thrown over me.

I had an IV stuck in my right hand and a bandage wrapped around my other, traveling all the way up to the middle of my forearm.

I had oxygen tubes running through my nose down to a machine besides me, making it a bit easier to breath.

There were a bunch of different machines surrounding the room with wires attached from me to most of them.

I noticed a table in the corner of the room with a vase that had a single white rose in it. There was also a yellow balloon tied around a wooden chair.

I slowly sat up, wincing at the pain in my back and legs before being engulfed in a tight hug. I furrowed my eyebrows and noticed a familiar strand of spiky  red hair peaking out through the corner of my vision.

"Carrots... ?" I questioned, wincing at the sound of my raspy voice and the pain in my throat. "Danny? What- what's going—"

"I think I'm about to punch you in the face," Carrots interrupted, pulling away from the hug while looking me in the eyes. "Scratch that, I'm definitely about to punch you in the face."

I let out a dry laugh, coughing a bit. "What- what happened?"

Carrots sourly looked down at his shoes, digging his heel into the hardwood floor before he looked back up. "You don't remember?"

"Not really, I mean," I took a pause, racking my brain for any memory of the events that had happened. "There was a fire, and some kids, but that's all I really remember."

Danny sighed from behind Carrots before stepping forward. "The doctor said you'd probably forget about what happened."

"Well, what did happen?" I questioned, a small cough leaving my throat.

"Well, you—"

"He also said to not lay it on you all at one time," Danny interrupted, shooting a glare at his younger brother.

Carrots closed his mouth and bit his lip, shooting his gaze to the floor.

"He said it would stress you out too much," Danny continued. "But it should come back to you in a day or so."

I slowly nodded and looked down at my fingers, staring at the bandages my arms were encased in.

"Can you tell me what happened to my arms?" I asked, fiddling with the end of the bandage.

"Well, because of the—"

Carrots was once again interrupted by his older brother, who smacked the back of his head.

"Ow," he muttered, rubbing the sore spot. "Jeez, sorry."

Danny shook his head and sighed. "They got burned pretty bad. Basically... your whole upper body did."

"That's why it hurts so much," I whispered, rubbing my chest.

We all sat in silence for a bit before I widened my eyes and instantly shot my head up.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐒 & 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐖𝐒 | ponyboy curtisWhere stories live. Discover now