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That was the first thing I heard.

But it wasn't just anybody's yell.

It was Ponyboy's.

So I ran towards the screams. And ran. And ran. Until I was joined by Johnny, then TwoBit, then Steve, Soda, Darry, and Dally.

So then we all ran, and ran till we found Pony on the ground with five Socs on top of him, pinning him down and holding a bloody tissue to his mouth.

"Come on!"

"Let's get outta here!"


As soon as they heard us coming, they retreated to their red Corvair, leaving Ponyboy on the ground.

TwoBit was the first to get them, tackling one of the Socs into the car. The guy pushed him off and made a break for it into the saftey of the Corvair.

That didn't work as Steve ran up and grabbed the guy through the window, pushing and pulling on anything that he got ahold of.

Soda was next, hopping over the hood of the car and going for the Soc that was on the other side. Those guys messed with his kid brother and he sure as hell wouldn't let them get away with that.

Johnny and I stood behind a bush. Real heroic, I know. But what did you want us to do? I'm a fifteen year old girl that didn't have her switch blade on her, and going up against five Socs wouldn't really seem like a great idea unless I'm looking to land a trip to the hospital.

Johnny most definitely wouldn't be able to do anything. He got beat up real bad one time by a group of Socs and wouldn't even be able to kill a fly without shedding a few tears.

He wouldn't even be able to actually kill the thing. Just leave it and hope it would go away. No offense to Johnny. Sorry, bud.

Darry came up behind us and looked towards the action, rushing over to Ponyboy. Dally hopped a fence and made his way over.

As Soda, Steve, and TwoBit punched, scratched, pushed, and pulled at the Socs in the vehicle. The one driving stepped on the gas and they lurched backwards, speeding into reverse. Steve kept a hold on one of the Socs, and got carried along with them, crashing into TwoBit and Dally.

I stepped out to try and at least do something, feeling bad for just standing there and just watching all the action happen. I grabbed a fallen tree branch and chased after the car, swinging with all my might at the Corvair, hoping it might hit something.

It did.

One if the Socs was still partly hanging out of the window. The branch hit him in the head and snapped on the impact, knocking the guy unconscious.

I gaped at what I had just done and grinned, feeling proud of my accomplishment. I looked around and saw Steve and TwoBit with wide eyes, staring at me, probably in shock of what I had just done. Dally stared at me with a proud smirk on his face.

"Didn't your mother's teach you that it's rude to stare?" I smirked, throwing the other end of the branch at the retreating figure of the red Corvair.

It didn't hit anything since that car had gotten miles away.

"Well, yeah! But we all know I don't listen to that old lady!" Two shouted, shaking his head.

I laughed and remembered why we were in this situation: Ponyboy.

I followed Soda over to where the fourteen-year-old was shaking with his older brother, Darrel, next to him.

"They didn't hurt you too bad, did they?" Darry asked, resting an elbow on his knee.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐒 & 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐖𝐒 | ponyboy curtisWhere stories live. Discover now