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DALLY HAD TOLD me before that he was going to head to Buck's place. There was supposed to be a party going on, or something.

The three of us made our way over, with Johnny and Ponyboy having to help me a little since my ankle was still sore. We limped up the stairs leading up to a small porch.

Johnny walked in front of us and opened the screen door, letting it go since he knew Pony would hold it open. He pounded on the door behind it, tucking his hands under his armpits to keep warm.

We waited for a bit before an annoyed looking Buck answered the door. He sucked his teeth before he asked, "What do you kids want?"

I didn't think he was really curious, he just wanted us to leave so he could get back to his party. That was, until he noticed me.

"Dre? What're you doin' out with these two?" Buck questioned, opening up the door a little wider. "I thought you was stayin' at the ginger's house."

As I told you before, Buck liked me.  He was like an older brother to me and I was like a kid sister to him. He looked out for me.

But I was never around for his parties since I hated all the people and the loud music. I would usually stay with Frank or Pony, so when I showed up on his doorstep with two boys in the middle of one of his 'banging' parties, he was probably pretty confused.

"Uh, Dally. We— we gotta see Dally." Johnny coughed out, rubbing his arms.

"He's busy," he stated, getting ready to close the door on us.

"Just tell him it's Pony, Dre, and Johnny, man. He'll come," Johnny replied, looking back at Ponyboy and me.

"Come on, Buck," I begged. "Please."

Buck thought for a second before closing the door. At first, I thought he had just turned us away, but Pony and Johnny scrambled to the window.

I followed, squeezing my way in between them. We looked through the blinds and saw Buck walking back over with Dally. The three of us rushed back over to the door, opening the screen one to be met with a shirtless Dallas.

"What do you guys want?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "Wait, Dre, why are you here?"

"Johnny killed a Soc," Ponyboy quivered, looking like he was about to cry once again.


We stayed quite as he realized we weren't joking. "Alright, good for you. Let's go."

"We figured you could get us out if anyone could, Dal," Johnny pleaded.

"We're sorry we got you away from the party and all, but we just don't know what to do, Dally," I added, hoping that he would give us the little bit of sympathy he had left.

"Nah, I was just— just tryna get some sleep. I got into a fight with, uh, Shepherd tonight," Dally stated, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Wait a minute, let's see what we can do about this mess. Get in, get in."

He pulled us inside and asked Pony something, but I couldn't hear over the loud Hank Williams song blasting in the background.

Dally led us over to the stairway, but Pony walked past them, focused on a game of pool going on in another room.

Dally grabbed him by the arm and yanked him back to the stairs, "Hey, hey, hey, Pony, c'mon, man. You'll die of pneumonia before the cops ought a get ya."

We climbed the two flights of stairs, passing Bucks dog on the way up to his room. We walked in, me taking a seat on the bed that was placed in the corner of the room. Ponyboy made his way to sit next to me with Johnny standing beside him.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐒 & 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐖𝐒 | ponyboy curtisWhere stories live. Discover now