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I WAS LAYING next to Ponyboy on an old couch that we had found.

Johnny was in front of us, tending to a small fire that he had created to keep us warm. I looked over at Pony as he rubbed his bare arms, the cold nipping at them.

"I told you to bring a jacket," I muttered under my breath, picking at some of the grass below me.

"And I told you that I forgot," he grumbled back, still rumbling his arms. 

I looked back over at him and rolled my eyes. 

I unzipped my gray jacket and threw it in his lap. "There, take it."

"But, won't you be cold?" he questioned, picking up the jacket from his lap.

"I have two shirts on. The jacket was just an extra precaution. I come prepared, unlike you," I teased. "Just put it on."

He did as I said and slipped the jacket over his well-built arms. It was a little tight at his biceps, but fit none the less. 

"Thanks." Pony smiled. "You take better care of me then I take care of myself." 

"And you're lucky I do," I responded with a grin.

Feeling my face heat up, I turned away and went back to looking at the stars that were barley visible. 

Pony did too, laying his feet beside mine. He bumped his foot into mine and pretended like he didn't do anything. I looked at him with a look of mock offense.

"Did you just hit my foot?" I asked him dramatically.

"What are you talking about?" he questioned. "I ain't do a thing."

"Two can play at that game!" I exclaimed, ramming my foot into his shin. 


"You did it first!"

"I softly tapped your foot."

"If softly tapping is swinging your foot as hard as you can, then yeah! You softly tapped the hell out of my foot!"

"Can you guys quit playin' footsies back there?" Johnny questioned, smirking at us as he sat on the right side of me. 

Pony and I both looked at Johnny with wide eyes, warmth staining on both of our faces. 

"I'm kidding." Johnny laughed, elbowing me playfully. "You guys really need to learn to take a joke." 

After we all calmed down a bit, the three of us sat back and stared at the sky. I wondered what it would feel like to be up there. To not have to worry about social standards, or social status, or about what others think. To actually matter to this world. To have people count on you to light up their gloomy nights, or to be wished upon. 

I want to be a star. I thought to myself. It'd be nice to be a star. 

"Man, that was a 'tuff' car," Johnny stated, breaking the silence. 

Pony yawned as he laid his head on my shoulder. I rested my feet up on his legs, making him look up at me and smile, shaking his head a bit. 

"Mustangs. They're 'tuff'," Johnny continued. 

I could feel Ponyboy tense up beside me, getting a bit agitated from even just thinking about those Socs. He quickly sat up, muttering something. 

Johnny and I stared at him as he picked up a stick and threw it back on the ground. He ripped some pieces off of it and tossed them into the makeshift campfire.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐒 & 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐖𝐒 | ponyboy curtisWhere stories live. Discover now