Chapter 1

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Bounty Turns on Bounty Hunter

Reader P.O.V~

   Silence was the key to any successful assassination, speed is also important. Legs as quick as a hick up, medium body built, muscles to back up most ruthless of bounties, a rare ability to adapt to any scenario and the aspect of being able to kill if necessary. Move as swiftly as wind or lightning itself, remembering to blend with the shadows of darkness, while being incredibly light on your feet and most of all maintain control at all times.

   These are the things I have learned through my whole career of being a bounty hunter, I have grown and adapted to the worlds cruel habits. I stand on the rooftops of one of the largest and richest buildings on the whole island, night crept over the town as the shadow of clouds spread throughout the village. I walk to the edge on the roof and take in the scene of the place being in complete peace, not a single sound could be heard. The black gear I was wearing hugged me nicely, leather sleeveless top, with a collar. Long leather pants tucked in high army sort of boots, leather covering my forearms and a quarter of each fingertip, complete with a large cloak covering the whole outfit including the off-angle thick leather belt, with pouches attached to it.

   I look out to the small town looking for the bounty I have been searching, for the last five days. Marines have asked me to join them on many accounts but I always turned them down, and later on, I earned my own bounty, but the marines never really bothered looking for me. To them, I was doing a huge favour and until there's no reason for me to be around then they will look for me. Right now I was looking for a group of bandits that had made camp here to hide from the marines, they didn't count the fact that I had my eyes and ears out for them. As always someone slipped up and I overheard the conversation, now knowing the location I patiently waited for any sign of movement.

   I pick up a cloaked person running through the streets, making you rise to form my crouching position and run along the rooftops close at heel with the man. Soon reaching the hideout, I slipped in unnoticed overhearing my next paycheck. I sneak behind some crates, using the darkness as my cover, there were three men standing in the open area you could see. A huge man with the funniest large shaping beard ever, two shorter males on with funny blond hair and the other black hair and an orange cowboy hat on his head.

   I move in ever so closely, trying to zone in on the conversation, when suddenly the black-haired male turned around, bursting forth a fire vortex, forcing me to cover my eyes with my arms. I blink a couple of time before removing my arms from my eyes to see all the males looking straight at me. My cover completely is gone, leaving me out in the open "Looks like we have an intruder?" The black-haired male smiled at me as I noticed the fire increasing its size around me.
   My heart froze, scaring me beyond help, I move my hands around removing the water from the buckets nearby and putting out the fire quickly. The three men stood in shock of what they had just seen before I turn tail and dash out of the hideout and head deep into the forest outside of town.

   Panting like crazy my chest heaved up and down, as I hid behind a tree. My heart racing, my legs were giving way, when fire engulfed my whole vision, causing myself to panic. I back right up against the tree until I could see the figure walking through the flames, flashes of unknown images came to me in that instant as I stood there, clawing at the tree with my nails, throat dry, loss of air. Everything was screaming to run as the person came closer to me, fear was in control of everything inside my being. My mind starting to go fuzzy, as I swing my arms out summoning whatever water was around me to try and erase this feeling. The feeling of being scared, my heart racing, the many thousands of thoughts of how I was about to die, it all hit me like a train.

   I feel my hands grasped together by a much hotter force, making me cry at the shocking and unexplainable expect I was going through. Then I could hear screaming? '(Y/n) RUN DON'T EVER TURN BACK, SAVE YOURSELF!' Blackout...

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