Chapter 7

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Ace's P.O.V~

   "I know I'm asking for a lot but I need your help" I returned to my crewmates and told them everything that had happened. They all have their doubts, properly thinking I'm talking crazy.
   "Ace, I told you that girl was trouble, now look what's happened" Marco frowned down at me, as the others chatted amongst themselves. I may have told them everything but, of course not everything. I didn't tell them about the bond between us.
   Marco quirked an eyebrow and poked my chest, snapping me out of thought. A moment of silence was shared between us, the gears in his head turned, I could imagine the sounds of each gear clicking into place.
   "Ace you don't actually have feelings for this girl, do you?!" I turn my head away, he sore right through me. He gripped my shoulders, lowering his head trying to gain eye contact. But I refused. A jolt rattled my spine when feeling the pounding footsteps of the captain. Marco didn't have to turn or say a thing. He knew what was about to happen he released me and walked out of the way before resting an arm on my shoulder. His ghostly cold breath, whispered in my ear a few words of wisdom, before moving aside for Pops input.

   Without any warning he grabbed me with his bare hands, lifting me off the ground. I was sweating bullets, knowing what Popes can do, there's no telling what he might do to me. The silence grew and his aura became dark, I couldn't see his eyes for some odd reason.
    "Ace does have feelings for (y/n)?" A simple question, but the way he asked was scary. I gulped, picking up the quickened heart rate and shallow breaths. My eyes roll somewhere behind, trying to avoid his threatening piercing gaze.
   "Well, it's complicated..." I started
   "Commander Ace, it's a yes or no answer... Which is it?" He cut me off with his deep, frightening gruff voice. Sending shivers down my spine and my hands turned cold and rattled harshly. I took a deep breath, swallowed my fear and opened my mouth.


Readers P.O.V~

   Cold. Dark. Empty..... Unforgiving is the word to describe this place, from floor to ceiling nothing but colourless darkened grey stones. Bars that are coated in the darkest grey possible, no light could reach me. Guards stand outside my cell, sea stone cuffs bind me to the icicle wall behind me. The air was cold, with the additional freezing cuffs made me feel like I was in a black glacier. No wind, no sunlight, no hope. I'm a cracked shell just waiting for someone to rip me open, waiting for that final hour when my lights go out.

   Head hung low, hands bound behind me, legs sore from kneeling down on the freezing floor for hours and blood stained on myself. I wanted to scream, yell, thrash around, even cry. But I'm far too tired and nothing would help. My thoughts wander off to Ace, the bounty I was supposed to catch, the pirate that I was supposed to toss into the arms of the marines. The devil fruit user, I feel in love with.
   I felt that tingling sensation on my nose, and tears threatening to appear. I grit my teeth as hard as I could, my hands clenched around the cursed cuffs. My fears leaking out, mixed with the tears that I began to shed. Now I was nothing more but a mess, memories burning my head, stabbing pains in my chest, my heart tarring itself up... There's nothing I can do to avoid my fate...

   I flinch at the squeaking sound of a door opening, the light finally shines into the dark caverns of this shit hole. I wipe my face on either side of my shoulders, erasing the evidence of my tears and pity. The footsteps made me cringe, having a good rough idea who they belonged to. They stopped for a brief moment as the sound of keys slides into the hole of the door, clicking in place echoing throughout the endless tunnels of darkness. The rusted bar door scraped on the stone floor, creating a strong cringeworthy sound, causing me to snarl.

   The silhouette of the one and only admiral marine, Smoker. His glare and serious face, only made me grin "It's time" I only chuckled at his words, the guards didn't waste any time getting me on my feet while keeping me restrained. "Took you long enough" I comment, noticing the increase of wrinkles on his face and the amount of pressure his jaw kept.
   I felt the harsh pull of the chain from one of the guards and didn't hesitate to follow. I could hear the echoes of us moving, each step suddenly counting as each second that ticked by. I sighed before walking out into the sunlight again, my pupils adjusting to the high amount of light that I wasn't used too. Stone walls all around me, marines in every cravat of this place and the shine of the execution axe awaiting me.

   I pause for a moment looking up out to the open ocean, above the wall. The wind welcomed me once more, but not with the gentle warmth that made me smile every day, but with a breeze of a cold, lethal kiss.
   The guards tugged me along, as I kept my head up to the sky, I wanted it to be the last thing I will ever see before leaving this broken place. I stopped at the stairs that would lead me to the blade kissed by death himself. The marines troops were calling out nasty names of hate and filled with poison, I ignored them and walked up the creaking old faded, wooden steps.
   I was placed centre stage, kicked behind my knee, causing to buckle and forced me to kneel. The cuffs now chained to the floor behind me, I could feel death closing in on me when I was forced to expose my (s/c) skin coloured neck, with my (h/l) (h/c) tossed out of the way. Laughter caught my attention, my eye rolled to the individual. Everything froze, my breath hitched, my heart rate increase drastically, my whole body trembled. My eyes wide with shock as I looked at the man, that has caused me so much pain, practically stolen my life away from me, the vice marine admiral Akainu.

   He held the blade that would steal yet another life. I felt deaths kiss when the blade gently pressed against my neck before it was raised up pausing a moment in time when light reflected off the blade and into my (e/c) eyes. I took a deep breath, all noise was cancelled out, the scent of the sea was drained away, my body numb from shutting itself down at of pure fear. I may smile in my last hour, but the truth was I was terrified. The only sensor I had left were my eyes as they followed the blade down, towards its target. I tare my gaze from it and looked up at the sky for one last time, tears filled up my eyes, with a smile on my face and my eyes shut closed.

   I'm sorry.....


Scarred By Fire (Ace x Reader) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now