Chapter 6

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Readers P.O.V~

   There was a sudden explosion not too far away from the camp sight, cutting off my sentence completely, the ground shacked dramatically causing a tree to snap easily and start to fall down towards Ace and I. I raised my arms up in a protective stance preparing for the worst, I looked up and peeked an eye open to see Ace covering me with his body, his head lifted up looking towards the tree.
   One hand wrapped around my back the other out as flames swirled around us "hold on to me (y/n)!" He said before yelling out "Flame commandment: FIRE PILLAR!!" The flames increased at a sudden pace, I panicked at the number of flames and reached out wrapping my arms around him tightly. My head buried in his neck and eyes tightly shut. The heat of the flames increased, which made my grip increase also, but it soon faded and the sound of the tree smashing onto the ground made me flinch.

   But even then I didn't dare open my eyes, a hand stroked my (h/l), (h/c) hair "open your eyes (y/n) you're safe." My eyelids twitched a bit before they finally opened to see the muscular neck I once had my head buried in. My head moved up to see the cute freckled face before me, causing a blush to slowly appear on my face. He started to lean in for a kiss, when marines suddenly showed up, guns blazing.
   "SHIT!!" We say in synch, we quickly jump and start running, I wasn't sure where we were running to but Ace held my arm tightly while running through the forest heading to who knows where. I could the marine footsteps as we continued through the forest, I had already made some calculations and they weren't very good.
   I hear guns firing at us until I pick up this one sound it was a gun being fired but I had a different sort of wind pattern than any normal bullet. I turn around to see a net aiming straight for us, and it was a seashell net, if we both get caught by that, we're goners. I flick my wrist summoning water to blast Ace pass the trees and out onto the beach, just in time before the net wrapped around my whole body, draining my power instantly. I collapsed onto the ground without any cover, I rolled onto my back looking up at the marines that were pulling smug grins and chuckling at my capture.

   "Well, well... If it isn't (l/n) (y/n), one of the best bounty hunters ever created, I thought you were distant from everyone and do your job... But now that I've seen you with a pirate, it's time for you hang up your hunting days.. Cause there over"
   'Of course, it had to him....'
   "The seas have been kind to you... Smoker" he grunted his teeth and puffed out the smoke of his dirty cigars
   "Now you've gone and done it, you knew I was searching for the famous Fire Fist and right when I could just about grab him and crush his fucking neck, you splash around a little water ripping him right out my reach." A random marine came up and kicked me in the head, damaging my jaw a little, as I sat up slowly and spit out a bit of blood. A browse on my upper right red with a little blood leaking out of the eye socket and the Connor of my mouth. I sat there mocking Smoker with a grin "Well isn't that real shame, the Gas Bowl couldn't outsmart a girl..."
He strolled up with a death glare in his eyes and booted me right into the head. Immediate black-out 'At least Ace is safe'

Third Person P.O.V~

   With (y/n) knocked out by Smoker, he puffed his cigars looking up in the direction of where she pushed Ace to get him away. "Should we go after him, sir?" A lower marine called out.
   "No... Sir?!" The other marines were just as confused, looking to one another with lost expressions on their faces. They knew Smoker had been chasing Ace for the past few months, surely he wasn't going to give up even now when he's done close.
   "I have a feeling that Ace wouldn't just leave this one behind"
   "What are you saying, sir?" Smoker picked up (y/n)'s un-conscience and tossed her over his shoulder. He turned around and walked passed his troops with a strange happy aura.
   "If there's one weakness Ace has... It's family, and this girl just gave me the golden ticket to get him"
   'We will meet again Ace and next time you won't get away' he made a few of the trees die constricting them of oxygen and poisoning them with his own smoke.

Scarred By Fire (Ace x Reader) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now