Chapter 12

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Ace's P.O.V~

   'Where on earth is she?!' I was starting to lose my cool, we have been here for a while now and I have lost sight of (y/n) when I caught a glimpse of her crossing paths with Aokiji. I hope she's alright, Aokiji is an Admiral marine after all. So chances of her surviving were very slim, but whatever chance of her making it was the only thing I could think of.
   I still had Marco and Luffy by my side keeping me in place. They knew I was freaking out, by noticing my style becoming sloppy and rash, the actions I was causing could put my best and mate and little brother in danger. I feel a firm hand on my shoulder as I turn to see Marco gazing into my eyes "Don't worry I'll go find her.." He transforms into a blue firebird and flew off. The only thing I can do now is hope...

Readers P.O.V~

   'Great..! Outmatched, out of energy and out of options... I was so tired I couldn't even smile' marines surrounded the area with every gun in hand pointed straight at me 'I'm too tired... I can't keep going...' I roll to my left and press my right hand onto the ground, forcing myself onto my feet.
   Pain shots up the body as I feel the aftermath of my battle with Aokiji, my left hand still oozing with blood as well as my neck from his ice blade.
   "SHE'S... SHE'S GETTING BACK UP!!" One shouted causing me to flinch at his loudness when I finally push my weight onto my feet, being able to stand once again. I hear the clicking of the guns, ready to fire at me, I silently wave my hand over the water creating a ring around me "Mizu, Mizu, Nu... Aqua Ring of Healing" I whisper under my breath as the water insulted my figure healing my wounds and replenishing my strength.

   This was going to be a long battle and I'm already trying to heal plus energise myself only to survive. I hold onto the cuffs in my hands and stuff them into my pocket in case I ran into other devil fruit users. Before I knew it the sky was covered in grey, rage and bloodshed were the triggers for this effect and I had brought it here. Soon I would hear the roars of thunder from every man giving their all in this fight, but it's the rain that I need to wait for in order to win this fight.
   The water I hand under control returned to a single thick ring as the men trembled at my healed vessel, pupils to the size of pins, sweat beading off their faces. I had a strange feeling that someone else was watching me...
   "FIRE!! FIRE NOW!!" Flashes of guns being fire with the bang of each shot and the tiny whistle of each bullet heading straight towards me, I turn into water causing the bullets to go straight through me without any damage. I admit it did tickle a bit. Their hands rattled when I regain my human form, manipulating the water around me, both hands out straight on either side of me. The water raised into a large wave surrounding me, a shield from the next round of bullets "Water Commandment: String Shot!"

   Tiny concentrated web-like water shot out to each marine, sling shooting them into my ring of water. They panicked and screamed for their lives as I made my next move "Water Commandment: Ripple Whirlpool!" The men were spinning around being tossed in every which way, a large whirlpool was formed drowning the marines as the ripples tore off their skin, killing them faster.
   I could hear them gasping drowning, as they struggled to gain some sort of balance or some way to get free from my powers. Sad bit about my powers is that the one thing I fear is the one great power that I have. You could say I'm exposed to death everyday, cause let me tell you I am.
As the marines struggle I start to imagine myself drowning, it has happened once before, can't say it won't happen again. I grit my teeth at the thought of it but most of all the thought of Akainu attacking me and my family all over again.

   I grip my head as the memories burned my head, unknown to me I was creating an unknown powerful force that wasn't one of my devil fruit powers. Small rocks began lifting up into the air as I covered my head and kept my eyes tightly shut, teeth gritted, I felt so angry...
Veins started to pope out showing my temper, I could still hear the marines drowning in my water vortex making it harder for me to keep calm. I was so lost in memory that even the burn of the scotch mark began to return. The feelings I felt crawled just beneath the surface of my skin.
The ground began to tremble at my power as my head lifted up dramatically and my eyes snapped open a force exploded with a sudden rush of wind breaking the whirlpool and killing themes instantly. All the rocks that I once picked up dropped down onto the floor around me. I drop down onto my knees, taking in a few shaky breaths, trying to calm myself down. My right hand wandered to the scorch mark as it cupped it gently, with the burning sensation fading...
   'I will have his head..'

Marco's P.O.V~

   So she's a Mizu Mizu devil fruit user but also has the Haoshoku Haki, a very rare ability that not many people have, Ace has that ability as well. But not quite sure what triggered it to be so strong that it killed all the marines, usually it would just knock people over or even knock them out.
   "I see you up there" she spoke, but her head still down 'How can she possibly see me, unless...'
   'She doesn't have that ability too does she?' I fly down and transform into my regular self, making my way over her as she forced herself to stand once more.
   "How long did you know I was here?" I asked. I grip her right arm and shift myself around her with her arm over my shoulder and my left arm supporting her back, she put quite a bit of weight on me. She must have zero stamina, she can't even kill a few guards without collapsing.

   "The whole time" she responded finally able to lift her head up she shuffled me over so look at a fallen figure. My eyes widen in shock and realisation of who this marine was. 'Aokiji..? but when..? How.?' I turn to weak devil fruit next to me, know I understand why she's so weak, it would've taken a lot out of her to deal with an Admiral.
   "I'll take you to Ace, I would fly but you're too damaged to hang on to me, if we go like this we'll be dead in two minutes"
   "Then I will protect us.." She waved her hand and a ring of water surrounded us. I was stunned at first but I noticed some blood leaking out the side of her mouth 'If that's how it's going to be then..' I release her and kneel down a little in front of her "Get on my back.." She just looked at me weirdly, unsure of what I was doing. I only sighed at her confused state and turn to her "You can't run and fight at the same time, and I can't protect and carry you at the same time... So I'll do the running and you do the fighting. Got it"

   She nodded and climbed onto my back, my hands slide into place lifting her up with her hands just over my shoulders "You good up there?"
   "All good, now least kill some marines, find Ace leave this cursed place"
   "I second that..!"

Scarred By Fire (Ace x Reader) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now