Chapter 9

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Ace's P.O.V~

   "ACE I'M STILL HERE!" I dart my head up to the familiar voice, my eyes locked on a young girl on top of a wooden but yet metal like a stage, right on the highest part of the hill. 'Of course, it had to be the tallest bloody thing out of the whole damn shit hole.' Her skin looking a little a pale, her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) messy and less shiny then it was before, her eyes were the best but yet the worst part, those (e/c) orbs that used to filled with nothing but light, were doubting themselves but yet joyful to see me again.
   "(Y/n) I'M COMING TO GET YOU, I PROMISE!" I caught the look a smile on her face, as it lighted up into a star brighter than the sun. I watched her head drop down for a minute, that doubt was returning to her I could see it...
   '(Y/n) what's going on with you... Why are you just sitting there..... (Y/n) please..... No....'

Readers P.O.V~

   A was happy to see Ace again, I'm over the moon to see him. 'But....' I lower my head down, and lean so far forward that my head was touching the floor, I could feel the cold metal on my forehead as my hair spared out onto the floor.
'But if I let them do this, they'll all get killed..... And it will all be my fault... I can't let them do this, I just can't bear the thought of them dying for me... Ace...'
   "Ace I... I..." My head shot up with as much energy as I had left in me, my vocals reaching their maximum pitch, my face dead serious, fall of rage...
The words that I spoke were going against everything I was feeling at that moment, but it's not time to be a thing about me, It's time I think about the others.....
   'Ace please, leave... Please... I beg to God leave, leave this place and me... My life isn't important... Just...' I look up to see him staring at me in complete shock, I drop my head down again, I can't bear to look at him. 'Please, Ace just....' I grit my teeth out of pure frustration

   Silence..... I could feel the eyes of the guards staring daggers into my back, the wind that brushed through my hair, with the cool breeze stinging my exposed skin.
   "(Y/N)!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I finch at his voice, it sounded much closer and clearer than before. A wave of guilt nearly knocked me over, hearing the disappointment in his voice was enough to bring me to tears again.
   "I'M NOT GIVING UP ON YOU! FIGHT (Y/N) FIGHT!" Tears flooded down my face with red puffy eyes and a runny nose.

Ace's P.O.V~

   I can't believe what I was hearing. (Y/n) spat out words of hate, but I knew it's not what she meant, they were hollow, empty. It was going completely against everything she was feeling right now. I run to her with Luffy and Marco had returned to my side, I need to reach her, if I don't she will give up. I can't let her give up, I may have just met her two days ago, but she meant everything to me and I'm sure that's what she feels about me too.
   I need to get through to her, one way or another. I see her more clearly the closer I get, she was in a huge moment of doubt, her spirits crushed, but she was still fighting, if I could just make her spirit burn again. "(Y/N)!!"

Readers P.O.V~

   "(Y/N)!!" I gasp but ignore Ace's desperate calls to get my attention.
   "I LOVE YOU!!" My heart skipped a beat and my insides froze. My pupils shrink to the size of pins, mouth agape. Minuted past before I regained any feeling left in me. I grit my teeth, flicking my head up to see Ace getting closer by every passing second, his eyes completely focused on mine.
   "I WANT TO LIVE!! ACE I LOVE YOU TOO!!" Straight after I screamed my lungs out, I sore that glint of light flash in his eyes, the corners of his mouth tilted up with a satisfied grin. He spoke and I could make out his words 'That's my girl'.

   I smile regaining the energy that was once drained from me before a serious expression crept over my face. I grip onto the chains behind me, quietly before speaking bitterly to the guards either side of me "Hey losers.... I've got something for your Faggotier Army..." I throw my body back, placing all the weight I had into my hands, before resting my back on the ground and spinning myself to knock the two marines down on their asses.
   I flick myself back but now into a squatting position, unknown to them I had picked my locks a while ago. The cold metal cuffs release me, sliding down my wrists and clattering onto the ground. They both steered up at me with pupils the size of a grain of rice, I smirk consumed my face, with the bloodstain at the edge of my mouth, giving off a more sinister look. I interlock my fingers together stretching them out, the crackling sounds made my bones vibrate with joy.

   "You are so Fucked!"

Scarred By Fire (Ace x Reader) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now